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Sentinel 2-IMG 5873-white (crop).jpg

Sentinel-2 is an ESA programme of earth observation satellites. Among others, it provides worldwide 10 m resolution colour imagery.

The resolution is higher than Landsat, but lower than Bing, Mapbox etc.

Example of a single tile



EU law grants free access to Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information for the purpose of the following use in so far as it is lawful:

  • (a) reproduction;
  • (b) distribution;
  • (c) communication to the public;
  • (d) adaptation, modification and combination with other data and information;
  • (e) any combination of points (a) to (d).

Sentinel data is already listed as available to OSM, at:


  • Worldwide coverage in 10 m resolution and full colour
  • Very recent, imagery updated between every month to every two weeks and available just a few days after sensing date


  • Published data needs to be processed into usable background imagery by the end user
  • Tiles may be cloud covered, check the thumbnails before processing
  • Resolution only sufficient to trace major roads and landuse features.


In editors


Notes and references