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Imports / Catalogue

Project description

The project aims to add missing wind turbines, and add metadata for existing turbines. Also, a site relation is added, consisting of the inividual (nodes) turbines.


The project is semi-automated and the workflow is as follows:

  1. Shape file is downloaded from Vindbrukskollen (link below)
  2. Shape file is loaded into JOSM
  3. Tags are translated to OSM standard, cross link table below
  4. The changefile is imported into JOSM and manually controlled before upload. If existing wind turbines exist - merge them with nodes from shapefile so that missing tags are added.
  5. The typical size of a changeset is one wind farm, consisting of typically, but not limited to, 1 to 25 wind turbines


This project only concerns wind turbines. Roads and other infrastructure is suggested to update too, but not included in the project


Vindbrukskollen tags OSM tags Note
Wind turbines Site relation
key value key value key value
ARENDESTAT 4 Only "4 = Uppfört" are in question for import.

"5 = Nedmonterat" (dismantled) will be removed from OSM

EL_NAMN Stockholm
FABRIKAT Vestas manufacturer=<nowiki/>* Vestas
HANDLINGST Tillstånd (Enligt 9 kap. 6 § miljöbalken)
KOMNAMN Lekeberg
LANSNAMN Örebro län
MB_Tillsta 20441002
MAXEFFEKT 3.8 generator:output:electricity=<nowiki/>* 3.8 MW
MODELL V136 model=<nowiki/>* V136
NAVHOJD 117 height:hub=<nowiki/>* 117
OMRID 1814-V-001 ref=<nowiki/>* 1814-V-001
ORGNAMN Kronoberget Energi AB operator=<nowiki/>* Kronoberget energi AB
ORGNMR 556956-5780
PROJNAMN Kronoberget name Kronoberget
ROTDIAMETE 136 rotor:diameter=<nowiki/>* 136
STATUS Uppfört Other statuses exist, but only the ones with status "uppfört" are active
SenasteUpp 20221011 date for latest update in the shapefile
TOTALHOJD 185 height=<nowiki/>* 185
UPPFORT 20190815 start_date=<nowiki/>* 2019-08-15
VERKID 1814-V-001-013 ref=<nowiki/>* 1814-V-001-013
Additional tags always added
generator:method=<nowiki/>* wind_turbine type=<nowiki/>* site
generator:source=<nowiki/>* wind power=<nowiki/>* power=plant
generator:type=<nowiki/>* horizontal_axis plant:source=<nowiki/>* wind
power=<nowiki/>* generator


The project can be followed under #SweWindturbines.

Data source

The project will only be using data provided by the governmental authority Länsstyrelsen. The data is licensed under CC0 1.0.

Link for download: Vindbrukskollen