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Public-images-osm logo.svg seamark:type = buoy_lateral
Buoy Lateral.png
Buoy lateral Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: marine navigation
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: de facto

How to map



Mark Example Symbols seamark:buoy_lateral:category Where used
Port-hand lateral mark Port.png port Marks the port side limit of the fairway when heading inland. This will be towards the right bank.
Starboard-hand lateral mark Starboard.png starboard Marks the starboard side limit of the fairway when heading inland. This will be towards the left bank.
Preferred channel to starboard lateral mark PStarboard.png preferred_channel_starboard Where the fairway divides either way around an obstacle, the primary channel is to the starboard side of this mark.
Preferred channel to port lateral mark PPort.png preferred_channel_port Where the fairway divides either way around an obstacle, the primary channel is to the port side of this mark.
Right-hand side of the waterway RightLateral.png waterway_right Marks the limit of the waterway closest to the right bank.
Left-hand side of the waterway LeftLateral.png waterway_left Marks the limit of the waterway closest to the left bank.
Right-hand side of the channel RightChannel.png channel_right Marks the limit of a channel closest to the right bank.
Left-hand side of the channel LeftChannel.png channel_left Marks the limit of a channel closest to the left bank.
Bifurcation of the waterway WWBifurcation.png waterway_separation Marks the conjunction of two waterways.
Bifurcation of the fairway WWBifurcation.png channel_separation Marks the conjunction of two channels within a waterway.
Turn off at the right-hand side TORight.png turnoff_right Indicates a turn off at the right-hand side.
Turn off at the left-hand side TOLeft.png turnoff_left Indicates a turn off at the left-hand side.
Danger point or obstacles at the right-hand side DRight.png danger_right Marks obstacles close to the right bank.
Danger point or obstacles at the left-hand side DLeft.png danger_left Marks obstacles close to the left bank.
Junction at the right-hand side JRight.png junction_right Indicates a junction at the right-hand side.
Junction at the left-hand side JLeft.png junction_left Indicates a junction at the left-hand side.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.


seamark:buoy_lateral:shape Definition Rendering
conical The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has approximately the shape or the appearance of a pointed cone with the point upwards. NChart-Symbol INT ConicalBuoy Red.svg
can The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a cylinder, or a truncated cone that approximates to a cylinder, with a flat end uppermost. NChart-Symbol INT CanBuoy Red.svg
spherical The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the shape of a part of a sphere. NChart-Symbol INT SphereBuoy Red.svg
pillar The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure is a narrow vertical structure, pillar or lattice tower. Buoy Pillar.png
spar The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a pole, or of a very long cylinder, floating upright. Buoy Spar.png
barrel The upper part of the body above the water-line, or the greater part of the superstructure, has the form of a barrel or cylinder floating horizontally. NChart-Symbol INT BarrelBuoy Red.svg
super-buoy A very large buoy, generally more than 5m in diameter. Buoy Super.png


There are two international buoyage regions, A and B, between which lateral marks differ. The buoyage region is encoded using the separate attribute "system" (MARSYS). Lateral buoys generally have distinctive shapes (can for port-hand, conical for starboard-hand) or may be a pillar or spar with distinctive topmarks. The buoys and their topmarks are always painted in red, green or red & green horizontal bands.

Category (CATLAM) Tags Definition
Port-hand Buoy seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red - Region A

seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green - Region B

Indicates the port boundary of a navigational channel or suggested route when proceeding in the 'conventional direction of buoyage'.
Starboard-hand Buoy seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green - Region A

seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red - Region B
seamark:topmark:shape=cone, point up

Indicates the starboard boundary of a navigational channel or suggested route when proceeding in the 'conventional direction of buoyage'.
Preferred Channel to Port Buoy seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green;red;green - Region A

seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red;green;red - Region B

At a point where a channel divides, when proceeding in the 'conventional direction of buoyage', the preferred channel (or primary route) is indicated by a modified starboard-hand lateral mark.
Preferred Channel to Starboard Buoy seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=red;green;red - Region A

seamark:buoy_lateral:colour=green;red;green - Region B
seamark:topmark:shape=cone, point up

At a point where a channel divides, when proceeding in the 'conventional direction of buoyage', the preferred channel (or primary route) is indicated by a modified port-hand lateral mark.

Topmarks (Region A)

Shape (TOPSHP) seamark:topmark:shape Usage Rendering
Solid cone with vertex uppermost seamark:topmark:shape=cone, point up


Starboard lateral marks Top CU.png
Cylinder (can) mounted vertically seamark:topmark:shape=cylinder


Lateral port marks Top LP.png
Single sphere seamark:topmark:shape=sphere Safe water marks Top SR.png
Cross mounted with arms diagonally seamark:topmark:shape=x-shape


Special purpose marks Top XS.png


Radar reflectivity

See also

Seamarks/CEVNI Lateral Marks