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This page has been labelled for deletion.
The given reason is: tag has never been used.

This normally means the page title is a bad one, and the content has been moved somewhere better. If a page title is vaguely meaningful, the page should perhaps be a redirect, or hold a small summary for historical interest instead. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why on its talk page.
The page should now be empty apart from this message (as per procedure). The page history shows what used to be on this page, and allows people to rescue an old revision. We may decide to do this, but otherwise a wiki sysop user can delete this page more permanently at some point. In the meantime we should fix any pages linking to here.
Public-images-osm logo.svg healthcare:speciality = analytic
Group: health
Used on these elements
use on nodes unspecifieduse on ways unspecifieduse on areas unspecifieduse on relations unspecified
Status: undefined

information sign

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Healthcare specialty within psychotherapy. Based on the psychoanalysis and theories from Alfred Adler and Carl Gustav Jung. In the conversation between patient and therapist, unconscious inner conflicts are searched in the personal past. Compared to other forms of therapy such as behavioural therapy, the professional helper tends to talk little, the greater part of the conversation lies with the person being treated.