healthcare:speciality |
Description |
The speciality of a medical practitioner or a medical facility |
Group: health |
Used on these elements |
Documented values: 82 |
Requires |
See also |
Status: approved |
Tools for this tag |
The speciality of a medical practitioner (e.g. a Doctor) or a medical facility can be tagged using the key healthcare:speciality=*.
Most commonly this tag is used with healthcare=*, amenity=doctors, amenity=clinic or amenity=hospital to specify which kind of medical specialities are practiced by the doctors (physicians) at the facility.
It may also be used for the speciality of other medical practitioners, such as dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, counselors, and so on.
Later on the page there are examples of how this tag is used with more specialized facilities, such as unusually kinds of clinic, specialities of psychotherapy and counseling, special types of laboratory, and kinds of alternative or complementary medicine.
If a medical practitioner or a medical facility covers several specializations, they could be separated by a semicolon (';') e.g. healthcare:speciality=general;geriatrics;gynaecology;paediatrics
Generally British English spelling and terminology is used, but database users should also be aware that some mappers may have used North American spelling, or translations from other languages.
Specialities of medical practitioners or other medical facilities
The speciality of a medical practitioner (informal the doctor) or a medical facility can be tagged using the key healthcare:speciality=*. The following table shows values which could be used in connection with this key. The table was derived from the Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament on the recognition of professional qualifications [1] with additions from Wikipedia.
If a medical practitioner or a medical facility covers several specializations, they could be separated by a semicolon (';') e.g. healthcare:speciality=radiology;radiotherapy
Specialities for amenity=hospital / healthcare=hospital
A hospital facility itself may have specializations that are better specified using healthcare:speciality=* than the healthcare=* tag. Instead of picking between healthcare=hospital and healthcare=rehabilitation, a more descriptive tagging scheme is to use healthcare=hospital + healthcare:speciality=rehabilitation.
A similar scheme can be used for clinics with healthcare=clinic.
value | description |
healthcare:speciality=rehabilitation | Rehabilitation hospital |
healthcare:speciality=psychiatry | Psychiatric hospital |
Specialities for amenity=clinic / healthcare=clinic
value | description |
healthcare:speciality=abortion | Abortion clinic |
healthcare:speciality=fertility | Fertility clinic |
healthcare:speciality=obstetric_ultrasonography | Prenatal Ultrasound |
healthcare:speciality=urgent | Urgent care clinic |
healthcare:speciality=vaccination | Vaccination centre |
Specialities for amenity=dentist / healthcare=dentist
Specialities for healthcare=psychotherapist
Different schools and approaches of psychotherapy may be tagged using healthcare:speciality=*. May also be used for healthcare=doctor and other healthcare=*.
value | description |
healthcare:speciality=behavior | Behavior oriented psychotherapy |
healthcare:speciality=body | Body oriented psychotherapy |
healthcare:speciality=depth | psychotherapy based on Depth psychology, e.g. Psychoanalysis |
healthcare:speciality=humanistic | psychotherapy based on Humanistic psychology |
healthcare:speciality=systemic | Systemic therapy |
healthcare:speciality=* with user defined value | psychotherapy that does not fit into the other categories, e.g. Art therapy Note that inventing new values is also fine |
Specialities for healthcare=laboratory
Specialities for healthcare=alternative
May also be used for healthcare=doctor and other healthcare=*.
Attention, the specialities here may be used additional to medical facilities.
But on its own the alternative healthcare cannot ensure proper and state-of-the-art healthcare.
Therefore, some people consider the tag healthcare:=* to be very misleading. Some of these practices can be dangerous to human health without having any actual health benefits.