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male=values like opening_hours

The documented value is just "no" but the doc indicates that any other value is interpreted as yes and implies no for other gender. But access may be permitted to all genders, at different times (male-only, female-only, or unisex=both).

This suggests a non-permanent value other than just "yes" or "no", and instead of just "yes" we could use the same values as used in opening_hours=* (which uses "open" by default equivalent to "yes" here, or "closed" equivalent to "no" here). E.g.

male=Tue,Thu,Sat : so female=no and unisex=no, i.e. "closed" at the same times specified here as open for males (unless it was overriden for other genders, for the same open dates)
female=Mon,Wed,Fri : so male=no and unisex=no, i.e. "closed" at the same times specified here as open for females (unless it was overriden for other genders, for the same open dates)
unisex=Sun : so male=no and female=no, i.e. "closed" at the same times specified here as open for any gender (unless it was overriden for specific genders, for the same open dates)

This would be for an amenity which is actually open every day, only to either males or females, but still open to both on Sunday.

No need to use the "closed" subvalue, except to include ranges of holidays by adding only:

opening_hours=08:30-20:00;closed 15-31 Jul (applicable independantly of genders or other access restrictions)

Other access restrictions are also possible (e.g. by age: minor=yes/no along with tutor=yes/no, adult=yes/no, any=yes/no) and could also use the same combinations where any value than "no" implies "yes" (or access permitted at the indicated times), and also implies "no" for other ages (unless overriden by other ages). For example with the same calendar as above, there could be restricted times reserved only to children (possibly with their tutors) by also adding:

age:minor=08:30-10:00 - single minors only at these times (it's overrident below by allowing tutors)
age:any=10:30-13:00,14:00-17:00 - minors, tutors and adults at these times as (it's not overrident here)
age:tutor=08:30-13:00 - normally adults cannot enter in hours reserved to children, except as their accompanying tutors, which can still stay there with children when it becomes open to all.
age:adult=18:00-20:00 - adults only at these times (it's not overrident here)

These last restrictions are combined with gender restrictions above, and with openin_hours fixing the calendar in year. Such tagging would be typically be used for public swimming pools.

The alternative would be to combine all these in a single opening_hours=* tag, with rules keyed by "plain text" in quotes, difficult to interpret and requiring long complex strings.

Verdy_p (talk) 21:35, 26 August 2017 (UTC)

Not always an access tag

This is not necessarily used as an access tag, for example the common combination with hair dressers, or also for clothes, is usually just who the service provider aims at, but doesn’t mean a legal access restriction as do other access tags. —-Dieterdreist (talk) 08:56, 4 January 2024 (UTC)