Talk:Microgrants/Microgrants 2020/Proposal/Creating street level imagery for Kosovo and Albania

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trial operation

"While we already have 2,000 km of travel projected to be photographed under a previous project, it was a trial operation and we intend to get imagery for more of Kosovo’s roads with a quality photographing rig and expand into Albania." - where imagery from this trial project is available? Is it described somewhere? Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 17:16, 11 May 2020 (UTC)

Hi Mateusz - Not yet, the project is still running but because of current situation we couldnt finish, we are hoping to have it done by the end of this June. Valmirmustafa (talk) 12:07, 12 May 2020 (UTC)

Data project

Craig Allan: This is a data project. Data is good, and we all work to add it, but I want to see applications that mainly target the expansion and sustainability of the OSM community and OSM systems. Adding data in community events like mapathons can be an organising tool but I don't see that adding data in this quite isolated way will build the small existing OSM community in Albania.

Valmirmustafa (talk) 08:57, 16 May 2020 (UTC) Hi Craig, By this project we want to map and have proper tools to be able to map and show community how things should be done. So this equipment will legally be considered FLOSSK assets and made available to OSM Kosovo community. So if somebody wants to borrow them to go road surfing, that will be possible. We forgot to mentioned this.