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Symbols at hiking routes?

I am curious if there are no symbols at the mapped hiking routes or if they weren't mapped. With Key:osmc:symbol exists a tag to map a lot of symbols - these are rendered at the moment - and more can be added. Although Sweden isn't covered completely by the two maps mentioned at the OSMC-page rendering this symbols it is worth the effort since at least cmarqus map is planned to cover the planet. -- Malenki 00:23, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

How to map road+hiking route? / Bästa sätt att mappa väg + vandringsled?

On some places Upplandsleden coincides with regular roads, which is the best way to mark this up? Just adding the relation to the road or making a double path (two separate paths obove each other)?

På vissa platser så sammanträffar Upplandsleden med bilvägar, vilket är det bästa sättet att markera detta?

--knarF 07:27, 20 July 2010 (UTC)

Ifall leden följer bilvägen så är det denna bilväg som bör vara i relationen. Rycee 15:44, 24 August 2010 (BST)

Skilja på regionala och nationella leder

Hej. Jag påbörjade en regional sektion för lederna i Västernorrland som inte korsar några länsgränser. Jag föreslår att vi skiljer ut alla regionala leder från de nationella.--PangoSE (talk) 20:07, 13 November 2018 (UTC)

(en resume) Division in regional vs. national trails is proposed.--PangoSE (talk) 20:09, 13 November 2018 (UTC)

I'll add some feedback from an outsider: Currently, lwn is used in Sweden for any trail that does not cross municipal borders no matter how long or significant the trail is. That means that trails that stretch more than 100km, which quite likely would be international trails (iwn) in central Europe, are not rendered on any maps till you zoom in so much that only a fraction of the respective trail is shown. We shouldn't tag for the renderer of course. However, this shows how expectations are quite different elsewhere and that the "local" in lwn might have been interpreted too strictly in Sweden. Maybe some maximum length/extent for lwn over which rwn is used might be a viable improvement (e.g., approximately a single day's distance like 20km or so)? --Stefanct (talk) 04:09, 11 July 2022 (UTC)

Hur ska vi namnge delar/etappar på våra leder?

  1. Ska vi ha colon och komma som i: Världsarvsleden: Etapp 9, Barsta - Fällsvik?
  2. Ska vi ha till-från med i namnet på etapperna?

Jag ser fram emot att höra vad ni tycker.--PangoSE (talk) 15:20, 5 March 2019 (UTC)

Importing names and relation-ids to Wikidata

Hi. I just posted this here "[In reply to dieterdreist] I think I found a way around the problem. What about I import from instead? It's CC-BY-SA 2 and I could add a reference to all of the statements I import linking back. The license says: "If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original." but that applies only to information that is copyrightable. Copying all the forms from Russian Wiktionary -> Wikidata was fine according to the Wikimedia lawyers and since the names here cannot be copyrighted and not the numbers for the relations either I'm guessing it's alright. I'm not going to copy any of the descriptions (they are copyrightable) or lengths or notes or similar information. Does anyone here have a problem with this line of reasoning?"--PangoSE (talk) 19:03, 17 September 2022 (UTC)