Talk:Tag:motorcycle friendly=customary

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Delete this page!

The OSM community has expressed its desire not to tolerate descriptions of motorcycle_friendly=* in the Tag: namespace. I hereby propose to delete this page. This tag contradicts basic concepts of the OpenStreetMap project. It faced broad opposition by a lot of members on the Tagging mailing list and is the field where edit wars on the wiki are conducted. More information: Talk:Proposed_features/motorcycle_friendly/tag_description, the discussion on the Tagging mailing list, a description of the violation of various best practices, editing standards, the edit war and the sockpuppeting --Nakaner (talk) 22:52, 19 July 2018 (UTC)

Hello Nakaner. I agree with you that this page should be deleted. Its existence is clearly contributing to people continuing to use the tag. Including the original creator of it. It also happens to be a good example of exactly why I was requesting old proposal pages be deleted. Its ironic you chided me for doing something to help what you know is a real issue and that your trying to solve here in the exact same way. We could of been allies in this war against bad tagging, but alas, it was not meant to be. I will still back you to the bitter end though if you want to pull the trigger and request this page be deleted. Maybe it would at least send the guy who created it and his fake proposal a message if nothing else. I Also highly doubt anyone would be using the tag anymore if references to it were wiped of this wiki. Cheers --Adamant1 (talk) 05:48, 31 July 2018 (UTC)