Talk:WikiProject Luxembourg/Public Transport/Analysis

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Overpass-API Query

This Overpass-API query retrieves all ways and nodes of the routes (their members with their details). This query allows an analysis of the public transport lines, such that also the route can be checked for completeness. Nodes, ways and relations (stops and platforms) and their tags can be checked against their 'role' in the route relation. The size of the returned data is approximately 48.6 MB.[boundary=administrative][admin_level=2][int_name='Luxembourg'];(rel(area)[route~'(bus|tram|train|subway|light_rail|trolleybus|ferry|monorail|aerialway|share_taxi|funicular)'];rel(br);rel[type='route'](r);)->.routes;(.routes;<<;rel(r.routes);way(r.routes);node(w);node(r.routes););out;

Show area on OSM map.

Options for the analysis

The output of errors and notes, i.e. the number and type of checks can be manipulated by the following options. Here is a list of Errors and Notes (still in German though).

Option Value Remarks
check-access ON Ways are used which cannot be used explicitly or implicitly (construction, access, ...) and where bus="yes", bus="designated", bus="official", psv="yes", ... is not set.
check-bus-stop ON highway="bus_stop" can be set only on nodes, not on ways or areas.
check-name ON Check of name="...ref: from => to" respectively name="...ref: from => via => ... => to".
check-name-relaxed ON More relaxed check of name="...: A => B", where "A" must be part of 'from' and "B" must be part of 'to'.
check-osm-separator ON Check the value of 'network', ... whether the separator is actually the semicolon ';' (w/o Blanks).
check-platform ON Missing bus="yes", tram="yes" or share_taxi="yes" on public_transport="platform" (PTv2 does not require this, so this option is usually OFF).
check-roundabouts ON Check whether roundabouts are used partially (segments only) or completely (JOSM does not check that and allows both).
check-route-ref OFF Check whether the tag 'route_ref' on the stops of a route include the value of 'ref' of the route (provided 'route_ref' exists).
check-sequence ON Check sequence of ways, are there any gaps?
check-stop-position ON Missing bus="yes", tram="yes" or share_taxi="yes" on public_transport="stop_position".
check-version ON Check of public_transport:version="..." on Route-Master and Route.
coloured-sketchline ON SketchLine considers the value of colour="..." of Route-Master or Route.
expect-network-long OFF The value of network="..." is expected in long form (see: network-long-regex).
expect-network-long-for The value of network="..." is expected in long form, instead of the short form shown here.
expect-network-short OFF The value of network="..." is expected in short form (see: network-short-regex).
expect-network-short-for The value of network="..." is expected in short form, instead of the long form shown here.
max-error 10 Limits the number of identical error and note messages for a relation.
multiple-ref-type-entries analyse If the combination of "ref;type" (e.g. "N8;bus") more than once in the route data, the tool expects that there are separate routes with identical "ref" and "type" in different cities/villages and that those can be distinguished by also checking "operator", "to" and "from".
network-long-regex Autobus de la Ville de Luxembourg|Régime Général des Transports Routiers|Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois|Transport Intercommunal de personnes dans le Canton d'Esch-sur-Alzette The value of network="..." of the Route-Master and Route relations must match this regular expression as 'long' form are can be empty (unset).
network-short-regex RGTR|AVL|TICE|CFL|Luxtram The value of network="..." of the Route-Master and Route relations must match this regular expression as 'short' form are can be empty (unset).
operator-regex The value of operator="..." of the Route-Master und Route relations must match this regular expression of can be empty (unset).
positive-notes ON Also show network:short="...", network:guid="..." and other tags and values.
relaxed-begin-end-for Relaxed check of begin and end of routes regarding stop positions (i.e. for train, tram, light_rail).
strict-network OFF Do not consider Route-Master and Route relations with empty network="".
strict-operator OFF Do not consider Route-Master and Route relations with empty operator="".
