Template:OpenHistoricalMap/On this day/09/24

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The Debatable Lands are divided between Scotland and England.
The Hudson–Lakeland ferry ends service across the St. Croix River on the Wisconsin–Minnesota state line after 64 years.
The Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungsstraße (=Automobile traffic and training road), known as AVUS is opened. Today, the AVUS forms the northern part of the Bundesautobahn 115.
The Osaka Subway's Midōsuji Line opens between Shin-Ōsaka and Umeda stations.
Sa Đéc province is established in South Vietnam.
Purmerend Overwhere station opens on the Zaandam–Enkhuizen railway in Purmerend, Netherlands.
Freeport Speedway closes in Freeport, New York, after 50 years in operation.
The Kingdom of Cambodia is restored after the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia withdraws.
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This is a selection of establishments and disestablishments on September 24, based on OpenHistoricalMap data, that automatically appears on the OpenHistoricalMap page on September 24 of each year. This list highlights important changes in the world, as well as more mundane events that demonstrate the project's ambitious tendency toward micromapping history.


We appreciate your help in curating these events from OpenHistoricalMap data. Items should be based on fully qualified start_date=* and end_date=* tags, plus any other metadata tagged on features in OpenHistoricalMap. To the extent possible, the list should feature a wide range of years and include events from different continents.

See also