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OpenHistoricalMap goes beyond the present, mapping places throughout the world… throughout the ages.
No community is too small, no story too obscure to add to this map.
Everyone has something to contribute, including you!
No community is too small, no story too obscure to add to this map.
Everyone has something to contribute, including you!
To contribute to OpenHistoricalMap, go to the main map, zoom in to a place of interest, and click the “Edit” button. If you are familiar with editing OpenStreetMap, the OpenHistoricalMap editing experience is very similar. See the tagging guidelines for information on a few changes we’ve made to accommodate the time dimension.
We also maintain several software projects to facilitate map contributions and data reuse. Please report any issues and send us your ideas on GitHub or our forum.
Then and now
From OpenHistoricalMap's community projects:
Left: The Choongwan district of the City of Victoria in Colonial Hong Kong as of 1800. Right: The same location today.
On this day
Selected establishments and disestablishments on February 16:
- 1841
- Rancho Rinconada del Arroyo de San Francisquito is established in the Californias of New Spain.
- 1857
- In Texas, the Johnson County Court meets for the first time in a newly built log courthouse.
- 1890
- The Cumana railway opens between Pozzuoli and Cuma Fusaro in Campania, Italy.
- 1918
- The Inland Line opens between Dorotea and Vilhelmina in Sweden.
- 1934
- The United Kingdom creates a commission government for the Dominion of Newfoundland.
- 1937
- In Mexico, Payo Obispo is renamed Chetumal.
- 1987
- In Vietnam, part of Cao Lãnh district is transferred to Cao Lãnh town.
- 1995
- Trude-Herr-Park opens in Cologne, Germany.
- 1999
- Line 1 of the Guangzhou Metro opens between Huangsha and Guangzhou East in Guangzhou, China.
- 2023
- Royce closes in Cincinnati after six months in business.
- 1.7M
dated elements - 433k
buildings - 284k
railroad miles - 133
average age - 1933
average year - 1,613
- Source: Overpass API, Overpass API, Planet
- February 2, 2025
- February 12, 2025
- QLever examples have been updated to reflect an improved data model for members of relations and ways and more metadata.
- January 23, 2025
- Basic authentication is no longer supported. Update your JOSM configuration to continue editing.
- December 3, 2024
- Follow our new Bluesky account (bridged from Mastodon) for occasional updates.
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