WikiProject Haiti/Imagery and data sources/Haiti Imagery Coverage by Department

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WikiProject Haiti Mapping coordination · New mapper · Status · Earthquake maps data · Imagery · Data sources · Tasks and ideas · Street names · Public transport · Weekly meetings · News · Press mentions · Press info
  • WikiProject revisions: Revisions to front page of WikiProject completed = everything consolidated into a single table or moved to different pages. --Ceyockey 16:34, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  • WikiProject revisions: Revisions are underway (slowly) to revise the WikiProject from crisis-response to mapping-as-usual mode. --Ceyockey 16:34, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  • On-the-ground: Fourth deploy write-up - 2010-09-08
  • On-the-ground: HOT Mission 3 complete [1] - 2010-06-28
  • Hot website launched with blog category 'Haiti' - 2010-05-??
See also blog, twitter


The purpose of this page is to provide a broad overview of the coverage of available imagery for Haiti. The aggregate boundary image found on the "Imagery and data sources" page provides an excellent overview of high resolution imagery available in the Port-au-Prince area and places west of the city. This page provides a coverage view across the entire country by Departments, but does not provide information on the resolution of the imagery.

Coverage table

The coverage table below addresses coverage at the Department level. A green gradient has been used to indicate %-coverage. The table at right shows the %-color translation. Data was captured by loading the Department boundary relation then calling the imagery via WMS; the resolution for the downloads varies from 6 km to 21 km and does not have an impact on the findings.

The %-coverage values are based on area measurement in JOSM and comparison to areas Department areas listed at wikipedia:Departments of Haiti#Demographics.

Rule of thumb: lighter shade = more coverage

% coverage color scale (read as "< #")
05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 99 100

Department WD21 WD20 N18 QD18 IG17 GG16 CS15 QG15 CS14 IG14 JAA13 DG Y
Grand'Anse x
Nippes x
Sud-Est x
Sud x

Missing content

The following imagery updates have taken place and are not yet reflected here:

for codes, see #Imagery Code table below
  • For WD18 (change to WD21), imagery has been updated for 21-Jan-2010 without a change to the WMS url (info from WikiProject Haiti/Imagery and data sources#DigitalGlobe)
  • Soon to be available, WB23...
  • Need to add JAP16 (JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR, 2010-01-16), JAA23 (JAXA/ALOS/AVNIR-2, 2010-01-23), JAP23 (JAXA/ALOS/PRISM, 2010-01-23) and JApan23 (JAXA/ALOS/pan-sharpened, 2010-01-23).

Notably obscured content

  • Cayemites: There is "DigitalGlobe, 2010" coverage for these, but the imagery is completely obscured by cloud cover.

Imagery Code table

The following codes are used in the coverage table below.

Code 2010-01
value for source=* Notes
WB22 22 WorldBank, 2010-01-22 Focused on Port-au-Prince and inland due east (~7% coverage of Ouest Department; excluded from table)
WD21 21 WorldView-1, DigitalGlobe, 2010-01-21 will replace WD18 in table
WD20 20 WorldView-2, DigitalGlobe, 2010-01-20
N18 NOAA, 2010-01-18
QD18 18 QuickBird, DigitalGlobe, 2010-01-18
ES17 17 ErosB, ScanEx, 2010-01-17 Focused on Port-au-Prince (excluded from table)
IG17 17 Ikonos, GeoEye, 2010-01-17
G17 17 Google, 2010-01-17 Focused on Port-au-Prince (excluded from table)
GG16 16 GeoEye1, GeoEye, 2010-01-16
CS15 15 Cnes/SpotImage, 2010-01-15
QG15 15 QuickBird, DigitalGlobe, 2010-01-15
CS14 14 Cnes/SpotImage, 2010-01-14
IG14 14/15 Ikonos, GeoEye, 2010-01-14/15
JAA13 13 JAXA/ALOS/AVNIR-2, 2010-01-13
GG13 13 GeoEye1, GeoEye, 2010-01-13 Focused on Port-au-Prince (excluded from table)
DG DigitalGlobe, 2010 Covers all of Haiti
GGPre GeoEye1, GeoEye, 2008-09-28 Focused on Port-au-Prince (excluded from table)
Y Yahoo Covers all of Haiti