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ru Для этого пользователя русский язык является родным.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
es-3 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.
sgn-2 Diese Person hat fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DGS).

I have participated in Google Summer of Code 2016 with the project Public Transport Assistant Plugin for JOSM. The documentation of the PT_Assistant plugin can be viewed here. The code can be downloaded from the JOSM plugin repository.

I am working towards a PhD degree in the field of natural hazards (specifically, landslides in southern Kyrgyzstan). I am also interested in the social, ethnic/creole and linguistic processes in the post-Soviet countries.

I am living in Berlin currently.