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User talk:Bkil/amenity=dessert tried to unify dessert selling places, but I do not feel like it's the good direction. There is no standard naming of places, and there is no standard assortments. I would prefer the following categories used for tagging the features, regardless of the possible imprecise main tagging (eg. tagging something amenity=confectionery when they sell coffee and cookies, too).


I am not yet sure what tagging schema should show this, to make all possible permutations available and searchable.

What can you buy

  • selling confectionery which is sweet sugary stuff, eg. chocolate cake: yes/no
  • selling pastry which is baked, flour based bakery-style sweet and salty stuff, like cookie/biscuit, pie, croissant, donut: yes/no
  • selling cofee
  • selling ice cream
  • selling soft drinks

How can yo buy

  • amenity: can you sit at a table and consume what you buy
  • shop: can (oh should) you take it away
  • can you pre-order

Where does it originate

It may mean a definitive quality difference.

  • they create it locally (craft)
  • they buy it from elsewhere


What we have now

  • amenities (you can sit in):
    • amenity=cafe - coffee, also bakery stuff, and you can sit in; often sells alcoholic beverages
    • amenity=ice_cream - ice cream is sold and consumed
  • shops (you buy and take away):
  • crafts (they create but do not sell):



You can sit in or take away, buy sweets, cakes, usually ice cream too, and it is created locally:

Now: You can sit, eat cakes, sugary stuff:


Now: You can sit in or take away and buy pastries, eg. cookies, biscuits, sweet bakery stuff:


A place selling many things: You sit and eat various sweet or salty stuff:

A place selling various stuff but you cannot have a table: