User:Mgl.branco/ImportIET ProtectedAreas

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Natural protected areas project

This project is part of the "IET Import" process. The specific objective will be to fully add or update the Galician protected areas, such as natural parks or natural monuments.


  • Objective: add/update Galician protected areas, going from parks, Nature 2000 protected areas, Ramsar Convention areas or Biosphere Reserves (Man and the Biosphere Programme, UNESCO).
  • Data source: IET's shapefiles datasets called “Rede Natura 2000”, “Rede Galega de espazos protexidos”, “Outros espazos protexidos”, “Reservas da Biosfera”.
  • Type of import: one or multiple step process by one/few people.
  • Tags: boundary=protected_area + protect_class=1 to 99 + protection_title=park name (See Tag:boundary=protected_area)
  • Responsible editors: Miguel Branco (Coordinator? & editor), (someone else?)

Project editors

At the moment, the volunteers collaborating to this project are:

Sortable table
Username mail Notes
mglbranco_import (link) Dedicated account to import of @mglbranco

Galician protected areas law

As an introduction, we will first introduce Galician protected areas law. This information will be useful to decide how to correctly tag protected areas.

Galicia is an autonomous community in Spain that has the power to apply environmental protection tools in its territory. Thanks to Article 149.1.23ª of the Spanish Constitution and Article 27.30 of the Galician Statute of Autonomy; Xunta de Galicia (Galician government) has the power to set its own mechanisms to declare and protect areas as long as it follows the main framework defined by the Spanish law.

Currently, Galician protected areas are regulated by "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" [Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto, do patrimonio natural e da biodiversidade de Galicia (link)]. That law follows the main framework defined by Spanish legislation of "Ley 42/2007, do 13 de decembro". [Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro, do Patrimonio Natural e da Biodiversidade (link)]

Galician law define the next protected areas categories (See Lei 5/2019, Tit. II, Cap I, Artigo 22) [Text in en/gl]:

Category (en) Categoría (gl)
Natural reserve Reserva natural
Park: National and natural parks Parques: Parque nacional and Parque natural
Natural Monuments Monumento natural
Protected wetlands Zona húmida protexida
Protected landscapes Paisaxe protexida
Natura 2000 Network protected area Espazo protexido Rede Natura 2000
Natural spaces of local interest Espazo natural de interese local
Private spaces of natural interest Espazo privado de interese natural

Spanish law considers Marine Protected Areas (MAP) (Áreas Marinas Protexidas) as well (See Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro, Tit. II, Cap. II, Artigo 30).

Some other areas were declared through international agreements and they are protected under international law. Those treats signed by the Spanish State, and that affect the Galician territory, are (See Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro, Tit. II, Cap. II, Artigo 30; and Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto, Tit. II, Cap. VI):

Treaties & Programmes (en) Tratados e Convenios (gl)
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (link) Convenión Ramsar das Zonas húmidas de importancia internacional
World Heritage List (link) Lista do Patrimonio da Humanidade
Marine Protected Areas of the OSPAR Commission (link) Áreas Mariñas protexidas pola Convenión OSPAR
UNESCO Geoparks (link) Xeoparques da UNESCO
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (Man and the Biosphere Programme) (link) Reservas da Biosfera da UNESCO
European Network of Biogenetic Reserves (link) Rede Europea de Reserva Bioxenética

Wetlands of International Importance, Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves are fully integrated in Galician legislation (See Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto, Tit. II, Cap. VI Sección 1 a 3.)

Galician Government, Xunta de Galicia, lists and describes protected areas at:

Data source and License

This project is part of a global project to import data from "IET, Xunta de Galicia" (Official webpage), as described at IET_Import.

The subset of data required for this process is hosted at IET's services webpage in "Espazos naturais" (in en "protected areas") section.

"Espazos naturais" section hosts these datasets in shapefile format:

Filename Link Size
Rede Natura 2000 11.9 MB
Rede Galega de espazos protexidos 14.3 MB
Outros espazos protexidos 1.1 MB
Reservas da Biosfera 0.98 MB

The content of each shapefile is:

Filename Content
Rede Natura 2000 Natura 2000 Network protected areas (Special Protected Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Sites of Community Importance)
Rede Galega de espazos protexidos National and Natural Parks, Natural Monuments, Protected landscapes and Protected Wetlands.
Outros espazos protexidos Natural Spaces of Local Interest and Private Spaces of Natural interest.
Reservas da Biosfera Biosphere Reserves

The permission to use these datasets is described at the main project in "License section" (See IET_Import#License). There, it's described how in a first signed letter data is said to be compatible with the CC BY 4.0 license, and in a second signed letter that OSM community is given permission to use it.

Import metadata

Data source information

Imports ought to be tagged adding this information:

This information is intended to be applicable to all the import projects linked to "IET - Xunta de Galicia" data. It was described at IET_Import.

Protected areas information

Protected areas are tagged as described at Tag:boundary=protected_area page.

Mainly, these areas must be imported and tagged using:

boundary=protected_area + protect_class=1 to 99 + protection_title=....

Protected areas are to be tagged using official_name=* (protection category plus official name) so it's protections category is shown. name=* could be used for adding common names (ie., official name without the protection category).

In some cases one single protected area might have various names provided that it can be recognized under different protection categories (eg. be both a Natural Monument and a Special Area of Conservation).

In any case, protected areas metadata should always follow IET's description, that is what Galician law determined when declaring them.

List of protected areas

In this section, we will introduce and list Galician protected areas. We'll indicate the data source to carry on the import process and indicate the import state. That will be detailed considering protection classes.

Spanish protected classes are currently defined in Tag:boundary=protected_area this way:

Sortable table
protect_class Classification
1 (Integral) Natural Reserves (Reservas Naturais (Integrais))
2 National Park (Parque Nacional)
3 Natural Monument (Monumento Natural, Xeoparque)
4 Natural Reserves (Reservas Naturais), Protected Marine Area (Área Mariña Protexida), Site of Scientific Interest (Sitio de Interese Científico), Special Natural Reserve (Reserva Natural Especial)
5 Natural Park (Parque Natural), Protected Landscape (Paisaxe Protexida), Natural Areas of Special Interest (Áreas Naturais de Especial Interese)
6 Rural Park (Parque Rural), Regional Park (Parque Rexional)
7 (none)
97 Natura 2000 European Ecological Network areas (Zonas da Red Europea Natura 2000: LIC, ZEC, ZEPA); Habitats of Community Interest (Hábitats de Interese Comunitario)
98 UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO-MAB Reservas da Biosfera), Ramsar Wetlands (Zonas húmidas Ramsar), World Heritage Convention (UNESCO - Patrimonio da Humanidade)
99 (Other international, not yet classified)

This follows what law "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro" sets as a state legislative framework. Nonetheless, Autonomous Communities (eg. Galicia) have adapted them to their needs and some other classes of protected areas were created.

From here on, we will describe each Galician protected area class and propose how to tag them. We'll apply Tag:boundary=protected_area indications in order to fit "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" protected classes definitions (and that go in accordance with Spanish protected classes framework defined in "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro").

Natural reserve

There's none yet in Galician territory.

If it was the case, Natural Reserves (Reservas Naturais) would be tagged as: protect_class=1


Spanish and Galician law considers only one single protected class for "parks".

Protected class "Park" (Parque) is defined in "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. I Concepto e categorías, Art. 22. Categorías de espazos naturais protexidos, apartado 1b." of "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto". "Art. 24. Parque" defines that the difference between "national park" and "natural park" is simply if it was the Spanish or the Galician parliament who had passed the law to declare them. In any case, any park inside Galician territory is currently managed by Galician Government (See both "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro" Art. 31.2 and "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. I Concepto e categorías, Art. 24).

Thus, Galician National and Natural Parks should be tagged as: protect_class=2

List of National and Natural Parks:

Sortable table
Name Legal status Website Area (ha.) Import status
Parque Nacional marítimo-terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia National Park link 8,332.8 (Yes, To Review)
Baixa Limia - Serra do Xurés Natural Park link 29,345 (Yes, To Review)
Complexo dunar de Corrubedo e lagoas de Carregal e Vixán Natural Park [1] 996 (Yes, To Review)
As Fragas do Eume Natural Park link 9,125 (Yes, To Review)
Monte Aloia Natural Park link 746 (Yes, To Review)
O Invernadeiro Natural Park link 5,722 (Yes, To Review)
Serra da Enciña da Lastra Natural Park link 3,151.67 (Yes, To Review)

Natural Monuments

Natural monuments (Monumentos naturais) are defined in Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro " "Tít. II Catalogación, conservación e restauración de hábitats e espacios do patrimonio natural, Art. 34. Os Monumentos Naturais" and Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. I Concepto e categorías, Art. 24". In "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" "Art. 25. Monumento natural" they're described. Natural monuments protect beauty, singular or rare natural spaces, such as singular trees or geomorphological singularities.

Thus, Galician Natural Monuments are: protect_class=3

List of Natural Monuments:

Sortable table
Name Website Area (ha.) Import status
A Praia das Catedrais link 28.94 No
Carballa da Rocha link 0.64 (Yes, To Review)
Costa de Dexo link 267 (Yes, To Review)
Fraga de Catasós link 4.52 (Yes, To Review)
Serra de Pena Corneira link 998 (Yes, To Review)
Souto da Retorta link 3.19 (Yes, To Review)
Souto de Rozabales link 1.80 No
Dobramento xeolóxico de Campodola-Leixazós link 90 (Yes, To Review)

Protected landscapes

Protected landscapes (Paisaxes protexidas) are defined in Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro "Tít. II Catalogación, conservación e restauración de hábitats e espazos do patrimonio natural, Art. 35. As Paisaxes Protexidas." and Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. I Concepto e categorías, Art. 24". In Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agoso "Artigo 27. Paisaxe protexida" they're described. This figure protects singular landscapes as defined by the "European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe".

Thus, Galician Protected Landscapes should be tagged as: protect_class=5

List of Protected Landscapes:

Sortable table
Name Website Area (ha.) Import status
Penedos de Pasarela e Traba link 212 No
Val do río Navea link 691 No

Protected Wetlands

Protected Wetlands ("Humidais protexidos" ou "Zonas húmidas protexidas") are defined in Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. I Concepto e categorías, Art. 26. Zona húmida protexida". They are described as marshes, swamps, bogs, or water-covered surfaces or international or local interest. Wetlands of International Importance ("Ramsar sites") are considered in "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. VI Outras figuras de protección dos espazos". Those wetlands that are in Galician territory can be studied and incorporated in autonomous catalogue of protected areas. If that's the case, Ramsar sites adquire the condition of protected wetlands too.

Spanish law "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro" only considers Ramsar sites in "Tít. II Catalogación, conservación e restauración de hábitats e espazos do patrimonio natural, Cap. IV Outras figuras de proteccón de espazos, Art. 50. Áreas protexidas por instrumentos internacionais". There, they're considered as internationally protected areas.

Thus, Galician Protected Wetlands should be tagged as: protect_class=5. When refering to Ramsar Wetlands ("Zonas húmidas protexidas Ramsar") (or if it's the case that they're not included yet in the galician catalogue) should be tagged as: protect_class=98.

List of proposed Protected Wetlands, and that currently are Ramsar Wetlands sites declared too,:

Sortable table
Name Website Area (ha.) Import status
Complexo das praias, lagoa e duna de Corrubedo link (Ramsar link) 550 No
Complexo intermareal Umia - O Grove, A Lanzada, punta Carreirón e lagoa Bodeira link (Ramsar link) 2,561 No
Lagoa e areal de Valdoviño link (Ramsar link) 485 No
Ría de Ortigueira e Ladrido link (Ramsar link) 2,920 No
Ría de Ribadeo (Ría do Eo na Convención Ramsar) link (Ramsar link) 1,740 No

Natura 2000

Natura 2000 is composed of "Special Areas of Conservation" (SAC) and "Special Protection Areas" (SPA). SACs were defined in the European Union's Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) to protect natural habitats and its flora and fauna. Sites of Community Importance (SCI) is a proposal state done by a country to be considered for being declared SAC by the commission. SPAs are defined in Council Directive 2009/147/EC and intend to protect areas of interest for birds.

Galician law fully recognizes the European Natura 2000 network creating an specific category of protected area for them. These are described in "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. I Concepto e categorías, Art. 28. Espazo protexido Rede Natura 2000". Until 2019, Galician law considered Natura 2000 areas as a type of "Zonas de especial protección dos valores naturais (ZEPVN)". From that year on, Natura 2000 figure is totally incorporated to law and ZEPVN were removed.

Spanish law "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro" considers them under the section "Tít. II Catalogación, conservación e restauración de hábitats e espazos do patrimonio natural, Cap. III Espazos protexidos Rede Natura 2000, Art. 42. Rede Natura 2000". There, law states the main framework for Natura 2000. It's competence of the Galician Government to propose and declare those sites that are totally inside the Galician territory. Galician territory is part of Atlantic and Mediterranean Natura 2000 biogeographical regions.

Natura 2000 network is composed of the next spaces. "Special Areas of Conservation" (SAC), that are named as "Zonas especiais de conservación" (ZEC) and "Special Protection Areas" (SPA), that are named as "Zonas de especial protección para as aves" (ZEPA). Those sites proposed as new SAC are "Sites of Community Importance" (SCI), which are called "Lugares de importancia comunitaria" (LIC).

Thus, Galician Natura 2000 areas (Special Areas of Conservation, Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas) should be tagged as: protect_class=97

Special Areas of Conservation

Xunta de Galicia details every Natura 2000 protected area information at "Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda" website.(See Rede Natura 2000: Zonas Especiais de Conservación (ZEC)] section.)

List of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) ("Zonas especiais de conservación", ZEC):

Sortable table
Name Code Natura 2000 SDF EEA EUNIS Area (ha.) Import status
Ortigueira-Mera ES1110001 link link 3,795.09 No
Costa Ártabra ES1110002 link link 17,458.9 (Yes, To Review)
Fragas do Eume ES1110003 link link 9,963.0 No
Encoro de Abegondo - Cecebre ES1110004 link link 493.41 (Yes, To Review)
Costa da Morte ES1110005 link link 29,588.2 No
Complexo húmido de Corrubedo ES1110006 link link 13,125.7 No
Betanzos - Mandeo ES1110007 link link 1,792.1 No
Carnota - Monte Pindo ES1110008 link link 20,471.7 No
Costa de Dexo ES1110009 link link 349.96 (Yes, To review)
Estaca de Bares ES1110010 link link 935.79 (Yes, To Review)
Esteiro do Tambre ES1110011 link link 1,582.61 No
Monte e lagoa de Louro ES1110012 link link 7,789.8 No
Xuvia - Castro ES1110013 link link 2,826.4 No
Río Anllóns ES1110015 link link 449.6 No
Río Tambre ES1110016 link link 715.5 No
Serra do Careón ES1110014 link link 9,576.6 No
Ancares-Courel ES1120001 link link 102,396.08 No
Río Eo ES1120002 link link 764,54 No
Parga - Ladra - Támoga ES1120003 link link 11,289.1 No
A Marronda ES1120004 link link 1,211.97 (Yes, To Review)
As Catedrais ES1120005 link link 992,9 No
Carballido ES1120006 link link 4,872.5 No
Cruzul - Agüeira ES1120007 link link 618.46 No
Monte Maior ES1120009 link link 4,872.5 (Yes, To Review)
Negueira ES1120010 link link 6,550.5 (Yes, To Review)
Ría de Foz - Masma ES1120011 link link 575.17 No
Río Landro ES1120012 link link 88.94 No
Río Ouro ES1120013 link link 211.9 No
Serra do Xistral ES1120015 link link 41,140.5 No
Río Cabe ES1120016 link link 2,627.8 No
Costa da Mariña Occidental ES1120017 link link 644.0 No
Canón do Sil ES1120014 link link 5,961.49 No
Baixa Limia ES1130001 link link 34,749.7 No
Macizo Central ES1130002 link link 47,392.0 No
Bidueiral de Montederramo ES1130003 link link 1,948.55 No
Pena Veidosa ES1130004 link link 2,354.5 No
Río Támega ES1130005 link link 718.76 No
Veiga de Ponteliñares ES1130006 link link 129.68
Pena Trevinca ES1130007 link link 24,836.25 No
Pena Maseira ES1130008 link link 6,115.4 No
Serra da Enciña da Lastra ES1130009 link link 6,043.8 No
Illas Cíes ES0000001 link link 990.33 No
Monte Faro ES1120008 link link 3,002.29 No
Sistema fluvial Ulla - Deza ES1140001 link link 1,665.8 (Yes, To Review)
Río Lérez ES1140002 link link 18.6 No
A Ramallosa ES1140003 link link 130.8 No
Ons - O Grove ES1140004 link link 7506.75 No
Monte Aloia ES1140005 link link 782.86
Río Tea ES1140006 link link 111.72 No
Baixo Miño ES1140007 link link 2791.64 No
Brañas de Xestoso ES1140008 link link 1,740.6 (Yes, To Review)
Cabo Udra ES1140009 link link 623.36 No
Costa da Vela ES1140010 link link 1,384.81 No
Gándaras de Budiño ES1140011 link link 727.07 No
Illas Estelas ES1140012 link link 713.12 No
Serra do Candán ES1140013 link link 10,683.18 (Yes, To Review)
Serra do Cando ES1140013 link link 5,553 No
Sobreirais do Arnego ES1140015 link link 1080.83 (Yes, To Review)
Enseada de San Simón ES1140016 link link 2,252.06 No

Sites of Community Importance

Xunta de Galicia proposed increasing the protected area and declare new SCI ("Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria", LIC) (See A Consellería do Medio Rural dálle un pulo definitivo á conformación da Rede Natura 2000 de Galicia, 2011). These new protected areas are still being evaluated in their corresponding biogeographic commissions (Atlantic and Mediterranean Natura 2000 commissions). They're not mapped at IET yet.

List of new proposed Sites of Community Importance (SCI):

Sortable table
Name Position Area (ha.)
Serra da Cova da Serpe ES1110020 4,063.4
Esteiro do río Baxoi ES1110018 93.0
Brañas do Deo ES1110021 3,385.1
Brañas do Xallas ES1110017 333.6
Río Baleo ES1110019 849.8
Río do Castro ES1110022 76.9
Río Grande ES1110023 385.8
Río Belelle ES1110024 291.2
Río Sor ES1120018 7,932.8
Río Miño-Neira ES1120019 842.2
Serra de Foncuberta ES1120020 15,523.2
Penas Libres ES1110010 6,043.8
Videferre ES1110011 1,955.8
Río Arnoia ES1130012 3,552.3
Brañas do río Calvos ES1130013 229.2
Veigas do río Salas ES1130014 723.1
Brañas do Golpellás ES1130015 824.2
Serras do Suído ES1140017 10,751.4
Serra da Groba e Monte de Valga ES1140018 1,158.2
Costa de Oia ES1140019 2,056.6
Illa de Cortegada ES1140020 193.5

Other Sites of Community Importance

There's some other SCI closed to Galician coast, but that are responsibility of the Spanish Government. See "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro" "Tít. II Catalogación, conservación e restauración de hábitats e espazos do patrimonio natural, Cap. III Espazos protexidos Rede Natura 2000" Art. 43.2. and Art. 43.3.

IET currently hasn't geographical information about these spaces. One case is:

Sortable table
Name Code Natura 2000 SDF EEA EUNIS Coordinates Area (ha.) Import status
Banco de Galicia (SPA) ES0000498 link link 42.6871, -11.8919 872,270 Done (already mapped)
Banco de Galicia (SCI) ESZZ12001 link link 42.6871, -11.8919 1,035,016 No

Special Protection Areas

Xunta de Galicia details every SPA (Zonas de especial protección para as aves, ZEPA) of Natura 2000 network at "Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda" website.(See Rede Natura 2000: Zonas de Especial Protección para as Aves (ZEPA) section.)

List of Special Protection Areas (SPA):

Sortable table
Name Code Natura 2000 SDF EEA EUNIS Area (ha.) Import status
A Limia 6,939 ES0000436 link link No
Ancares 12,656 ES0000374 link link No
Baixa Limia - Serra do Xurés 31,287 ES0000376 link link No
Complexo intermareal Umia - O Grove, A Lanzada, punta Carreirón e lagoa Bodeira 2,813 ES0000087 link link No
Complexo litoral de Corrubedo 971 ES0000313 link link No
Costa de Ferrolterra - Valdoviño 4,266 ES0000258 link link (Yes, To Review)
Costa da Mariña Occidental 2,168 ES0000372 link link No
Costa da Morte (Norte) 7,962 ES0000176 link link No
Esteiro do Miño 1,688 ES0000375 link link No
Illa de Ons 924 ES0000254 link link No
Illas Cíes 990 ES0000001 link link No
Pena Trevinca 22,511 ES0000437 link link No
Ribadeo 625 ES0000085 link link No
Ría de Foz 564 ES0000373 link link No
Ría de Ortigueira e Ladrido 3,025 ES0000086 link link No
Serra da Enciña da Lastra 1,787 ES1130009 link link No

Some Special Protection Areas (SPA) of the Galician coast, because of being in open waters, are under the order of the Spanish Government. IET currently hasn't geographical information about this marine spaces.

List of other marine Special Protection Areas (SPA) ("Zonas de especial protección para as aves", ZEPA) are:

Sortable table
Name Code Natura 2000 SDF EEA EUNIS Area (km2)
Espazo mariño de Punta de Candelaria - Ría de Ortigueira - Estaca de Bares ES0000495 link link 771.52
Espazo mariño da Costa de Ferrolterra-Valdoviño ES0000496 link link 68.18
Espazo mariño da Costa da Morte ES0000497 link link 3,162.83
Espazo mariño das Rías Baixas de Galicia ES0000499 link link 2,218.65

Natural Spaces of Local Interest or Private Spaces of Natural Interest

Another class of protected area are those Natural Spaces of Local Interest ("Espazos naturais de interese local", ENIL) and Private Spaces of Natural Interest ("Espazos privados de interese natural", EPIN).

These protected areas are those where a local public administration or a private entity compromise themselves to protect them and Xunta de Galicia guarantees so. This is a legal figure only present under Galician law. See "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos Cap. IV Instrumentos de planificación dos recursos e dos espazos naturais que hai que protexer" Art. 22.3.

Natural Spaces of Local Interest and Private Spaces of Natural Interest should be tagged as: protect_class=6

List of natural spaces ENIL and EPIN:

Sortable table
Name Legal status Area (ha.) Import status
Ecosistema dunar Praia América-Panxón Espazo natural de interese local 3.58 No
Illas de San Pedro Espazo natural de interese local 10.40 No
Loio-Ruxidoira Espazo natural de interese local 437 No
Puzo do Lago Espazo natural de interese local 30.6 No
Ribeiras do Mero-Barcés Espazo natural de interese local 197 No
Río Gafos Espazo natural de interese local 49.80 No
Voutureira Espazo natural de interese local 183.78 No
Xunqueira de Alba Espazo natural de interese local 67 No
Sobreiras do Faro Espazos privados de interese natural 9.72 No

International Figures

Biosphere reserves

The UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (Reservas da biosfera) is an international program that is linked to protected areas. It's mean is to create a legal figure that allows to balance the relationship between people and nature, encouraging sustainable development.

Biosphere Reserves are defined in "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto" "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. VI Sección 1ª. Áreas protexidas por instrumentos internacionais. Art. 75. Áreas protexidas por instrumentos internacionais". This law describes how this international figure intends to be an instrument to test new conservation and sustainable development methods in "Sección 4ª. Reservas da biosfera, Art. 79. Reservas da biosfera en Galicia". This follows what "Lei 42/2007, do 13 de decembro" states in "Tít. IV Uso sostible do patrimonio natural e da biodiversidade. Cap. I Rede española de reservas da biosfera e o programa persoa e biosfera (Programa MaB)". There, Biosphere Reserves are described as "fisic units subject to an implementation of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere programm" for a social substainable development.

These areas can be composed of territorial units of different administrative divisions. In the Galician case, there's one Biosphere Reserve that means a collaboration between Galicia and Asturies (two Spanish autonomous communities) and another that means collaboration between Galicia and Portugal (an international Biosphere Reserve). Among others, some of the UNESCO requirements for declaring them is to have an important area already declared as protected area by local governments.

Galician Biosphere Reserves should be tagged as: protect_class=98.

List of Biosphere Reserves:

Name Interterritorial Website Area Import status
Área de Allariz No link 21,482 (Yes, To Review)
As Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo No link 116,724.3 (Yes, To Review)
Gerês-Xurés Yes (Galicia, Spain - Portugal) link 330,874 ha. (Yes, To Review)
Os Ancares Lucenses e Montes de Cervantes, Navia e Becerreá No link 53,664 (Yes, To Review)
Río Eo, Oscos e Terras de Burón Si (Galicia-Asturies) link 1, link 2 159,379 (Yes, To Review)
Terras do Miño No link 363,668.9 (Yes, To Review)


There's some OSPAR sites closed to/in Galician coast. Those are indicated at "Tít. II Espazos naturais protexidos, Cap. VI Outras figuras de protección dos espazos, Sección 1ª. Áreas protexidas por instrumentos internacionais, Art. 75. Áreas protexidas por instrumentos internacionais, c) as áreas protexidas, do Convenio para a protección do medio mariño do Atlántico do nordés" of "Lei 5/2019, do 2 de agosto".

Nonetheless, IET currently hasn't geographical information about these marine protected areas. OSPAR areas in or close to Galician coast are:

Marine Protected Area name
Parque Nacional das Illas Atlánticas
Banco de Galicia
Espazo mariño da Costa da Morte
Espazo mariño da Costa de Ferrolterra - Valdoviño
Espazo mariño das Rias Baixas de Galicia
Espazo mariño de Punta de Candelaira - Ría de Ortigueira - Estaca de Bares

Import process progress

Class Subclass IUCN Category protect_class Number Source Status Current editor Comments
Natural reserve Ia/Ib 1 0 - -
National and natural parks II 2 7 (1+6) "Rede Galega de espazos protexidos" Partial Yes, to be reviewed yet.
Natural Monuments III 3 8 "Rede Galega de espazos protexidos" Partial Review and complete.
Protected landscapes V 5
2 "Rede Galega de espazos protexidos" None
Protected wetlands V
5 5
"Rede Galega de espazos protexidos" None
Natura 2000 Network SPA V* 97 16 "Rede Natura 2000" Partial Review and complete.
SAC V* 97 59 "Rede Natura 2000" Partial
SCI V* 97 21 "Rede Natura 2000" None
Natural spaces of local interest VI 6 8
"Outros espazos protexidos" None
Private spaces of natural interest VI 6
1 "Outros espazos protexidos" None
Biosphere Reserve IX 98 6 "Reserva da Biosfera" Done
Yes, to be reviewed yet.