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This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
SarajevoGrb.gif This user hails from Sarajevo
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg This user hails from Bosnia and Herzegovina
cs Tomuto uživateli je čeština mateřským jazykem.
bs-3 Ovaj korisnik može doprinositi koristeći napredno razumijevanje bosanskog.
hr-3 Ovaj korisnik može doprinositi koristeći napredno razumijevanje hrvatskog.
sr-3 Овај корисник може да доприноси користећи напредно разумевање српског.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
Hiker Michalfabik
is a hiker.
Sinnbild PKW.svg Michalfabik is a motorist.
car mapper Michalfabik tracks routes by Car
Bike Michalfabik
is a bicyclist.
JOSM Michalfabik submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Vespucci logo Michalfabik submits data to OpenStreetMap using Vespucci.
Tux.svg Michalfabik uses a Linux-based computer.
Android logo 2019 (stacked).svg Michalfabik uses an Android-based mobile device.

Changesets I have commented on.


Short term

  • Fix Latin letters in name:sr and other possible Cyrillic script language tags. (
  • Check for Cyrillic letters in all Latin script language tags.
  • Fix dj -> đ, sh -> š, ch -> č in all names and addr:*'s.
  • Check for any *:ba instead of *:bs for Bosnian language.
  • Check for any *:rs instead of *:sr for Serbian language.
  • Remove fee information from parking names and tag as appropriate.
  • Too many hospitals. Map hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and doctors as appropriate. (
  • Remove any parentheses from names and tag as appropriate.
  • Remove ref numbers from names of Nextbike spots in Sarajevo and add appropriate ref tags.
  • Change any amenity=bus_station that aren't proper bus stations into highway=bus_stop.
  • Validate all URL's in website=* and contact:website=* (http(s):// at the beginning, no needless garbage at the end). (,,,
  • Validate all phone numbers (+387 at the beginning, without dashes, slashes, parentheses etc.).
  • Check addr:postcode for [^0-9] and addr:country for anything other than "BA".
  • Remove name=* from landuse=residential and replace with appropriate place=* and/or boundary=administrative where missing.
  • Remove amenity=parking nodes from within amenity=parking polygons.
  • Fix bridge connections.

Mid term

  • Fix all diacritic marks in names and addresses.
  • Agree on a place-naming scheme in the RS (Cyrillic/Latin, pre-war/post-war names in Krajina etc.)
  • Properly trace all railways.
  • Map parking with polygons where they're mapped as nodes.
  • Map buildings with polygons where they're mapped as nodes.
  • Check ref numbers for roads in the FBiH after the new law comes into effect in March. Check/validate route relations.
  • Rework landuse polygons in Sarajevo (residential, industrial, commercial).
  • Find and add missing boundaries of local communities in Sarajevo.
  • Get some info on the new wheelchair-certified pedestrian crossings in Sarajevo and map as appropriate.
  • Contact Novo Sarajevo municipality and see if they'd like to replace those hideous outdated maps in public places.

Long term

  • Implement any RS naming scheme agreed upon (see above).
  • Fix overlapping landuse.
  • Transform CLC into something that resembles reality.