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OSM Logo This user submits data to OpenStreetMap under the name
Flag of the United States.svg This user hails from the USA
en This user is a native speaker of English.
iD Mxdanger submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
JOSM Mxdanger submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.

Hi, I am User icon 2.svgMxdanger (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) a mapper who focuses on road and transit infrastructure related edits with a side of interior micro-mapping. I started editing in 2017 using iD and I've started doing larger and more complex edits over time which requires JOSM.


I've started the proposal Proposed features/Social media contact prefix back in 2021 and later started an RFC but I haven't yet finalized it before starting voting.

Roof Renders

Rendered in Blender with the Object Sequence add-on. Made specifically for the roof:shape=* page. Contact me on my discussion page or OpenStreetMap World Discord, under the same username, if any new roof images need to be generated.

Image Roof Gabled.png Roof Flat.png Roof Hipped.png Roof Pyramidal.png Roof Skillion.png Roof Half Hipped.png Roof Hip and Gable.png
roof:shape gabled flat hipped pyramidal skillion half-hipped hipped-and-gabled
Image Roof Round.png Roof Gambrel.png Roof Mansard.png Roof Dome.png Roof Onion.png Roof Sawtooth.png Roof Butterfly.png
roof:shape round gambrel mansard dome onion sawtooth butterfly
Image Roof Cone.png Roof Crosspitched.png Roof Side Hipped.png Roof Side Half Hipped.png Roof Gabled Height Moved.png Roof Saltbox.png Roof Saltbox Flipped.png
roof:shape cone crosspitched side_hipped side_half-hipped gabled_height_moved saltbox