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Taiwan(Republic of China), Eastern Asia

latitude: 23.7, longitude: 120.5
boundary: 449220, label: 432425099
Browse map of Taiwan 23°42′00.00″ N, 120°30′00.00″ E
Edit map
External links:
Use this template for your locality

Taiwan(Republic of China) is a country[1] in Eastern Asia at latitude 23°42′00.00″ North, longitude 120°30′00.00″ East.

聚會與活動 Gatherings & events


For events before 2024, please visit Taiwan/Past events

台灣社群 Taiwanese community

Taiwan Open Street Map welcomes novices to join the ranks of drawing. At present, the more active community platform (2015) is the Facebook community. If there are any difficult and miscellaneous problems in drawing, you are welcome to ask. Because Taiwan openstreetmap facebook community applies as a "community", you must log in before you can watch the content. Users who do not have a Facebook account can use the email forum to ask questions or discuss. Hackpad is updated frequently, mostly for thematic data collection or pitting text.

社群平台 Communication platforms

新聞 News

網站 Websites

Open StreetMap 臺灣網站是由臺灣使用者自行建立的網站,內有本地化的地圖。2014年後,暫緩更新。

A planet.osm extract for Taiwan is available at [1].

定期報告 report

歡迎 Welcome

現在歡迎新手用OSM Welcome工具採私訊方式進行,但自2024年5月時已經壞掉了,過往的歡迎可參考 Taiwan/welcome

子計畫 Sub-plan

台灣華語翻譯 Localized Chinese translation



  • OSMWiki
    現在中文 wiki 頁面散於各地,而且這些頁面內的資訊內容未必適合台灣本地的地理資訊。
    這讓許多第一次接觸 OSM 的人沒有辦法順利的找到他所需的資訊,所以有必要整理現有 wiki 頁面。
    子計畫OSMWiki 中文化
  • iD:程式介面100%
  • JOSM:程式介面完成50%,說明手冊0%
  • learnOSM

地址翻譯 Address Translation

長榮路三段 → Section 3, Changrong Road (Hanyu)
信義路二段55巷7弄 → Alley 7, Lane 55, Section 2, Xinyi Road (Hanyu)
文青二路 → Wuncing 2nd Road (Tongyong Pinyin)
中正東路 → Chungcheng East Road (WG)

This link from Taiwan Post can help you with Chinese road name translation.


導路/行政區分類與標籤 Road / Administrative boundary Categories and Tagging

At this stage, the data labeling standards in Taiwan are set in Taiwan tagging

圖徵提案 Proposal map features

Please discuss it in the following pad and open the wiki page after there is a consensus.

覆蓋率 Coverage rate

鐵路 Track route

大眾運輸路線 Passenger transportation route

待解決議題 Problems to be solved

品質檢測 QA

  • QA,放常用的Overpass QL,方便檢測問題

分享影像 Graphic sharing

Taiwan/Walking papers

編輯器底圖資訊 Editor background picture information

Please include https://data.moi.gov.tw/MoiOD/Data/DataDetail.aspx?oid=D9E44C4B-A5CD-4E44-BBF7-0C208513FA8E

相關計畫活動 Related Events

參見 See also

參考文獻 Reference

  1. For more info about the status of Taiwan, see Disputed territories#Asia.