Bay Area Rapid Transit

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BART is a fully-electrified rapid transit system serving the San Francisco Bay Area: several / five or six lines (mostly heavy rail, some short Diesel Light Rail and monorail segments) on 131.4 miles (211.5 km) of track with 50 stations (21 surface, 14 elevated, 15 subway) in five counties. Systemwide, there are approximately 32 miles (51 km) of aerial track; 70 miles (115 km) of track at grade and about 28 miles (45 km) of subway track. Most BART infrastructure is FTA-defined "heavy rail" tagged railway=subway, so BART is in California/Railroads' "Commuter" (passenger=suburban) section, as BART's systemwide geographic span is similar to other Commuter rail networks in California, including BART's newer infrastructure like Coliseum – Oakland International Airport (railway=monorail) line and BART to Antioch extension (railway=light_rail). All lines are tagged network=BART and the network-wide relation is relation 8477436.

BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project intends to complete in 2037, adding four new stations to the Green and Orange lines: 28th Street / Little Portugal, Downtown San José, Diridon and Santa Clara in a largely subway alignment, achieving (with Caltrain correspondences at Diridon and Santa Clara) frequent Bay Area rail service that "rings the bay."

Tagging Conventions

Please follow rules on the newer public transport version 2 tagging conventions.

Route Master Relation

Key Value Comment Recommendation
type route_master - mandatory
route subway, monorail, light_rail BART=subway or Oakland Airport Connector=monorail or BART to Antioch extension=light_rail mandatory
name Line name For example: Dublin/Pleasanton - Daly City Line mandatory
operator San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District - mandatory
network BART - mandatory
colour Color The color used on BART maps recommended

These relations should have a member for each "normal" direction the line follows:

Element Role Recurrence? Description
relation none two or more type=route for each "normal" direction of the line, but excluding short turns when vehicles enter/leave service.

Route Relation

Key Value Comment Recommendation
type route - mandatory
route subway, monorail, light_rail Exactly as for the associated route master: BART=subway or Oakland Airport Connector=monorail or BART to Antioch extension=light_rail mandatory
name Destination Station For example: Richmond, Millbrae, Dublin/Pleasanton mandatory
from Name of start terminal - mandatory
to Name of destination terminal - mandatory
via Name of major intermediate stop - recommended
description Short description or route Any major stations or stops along route recommended
operator San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District - mandatory
network BART - mandatory
colour Color Exactly as on the associated route master (duplicated for renderers that don't yet support route masters) recommended

These relations should have a member for each way and stop that participates in this direction of service:

Element Role Recurrence? Description
way none one or more the railways that are traversed in this direction of service, in the order they are traversed.
node stop one or more the stations (public_transport=stop_position + subway=yes +name=*) on the way


Each station is represented by several nodes/ways collected into a stop_area relation.

Key Value Comment Recommendation
type public_transport - mandatory
public_transport stop_area - mandatory
name Name of the station For example: Lake Merritt mandatory
network BART - mandatory
operator San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District - mandatory
subway, monorail, light_rail yes The mode(s) that serve the station optional

Each station should have at a minimum:

Element Role Recurrence? Description
nodeway none one A single member representing the station as a whole, usually a node placed at the center of the station (see below)
node stop one or more public_transport=stop_position + subway=yes/monorail=yes/light_rail=yes on the tracks
way platform one or more public_transport=platform + subway=yes/monorail=yes/light_rail=yes next to the tracks
node none one or more railway=subway_entrance for each station entrance

Each relation has a single member tagged with public_transport=station that includes most of the infomation specific to the station as a whole.

Key Value Comment Recommendation
public_transport station - mandatory
subway, monorail, light_rail yes The mode(s) that serve the station. At Millbrae, a different station co-located 25 meters away tagged train=yes represents an intermodal correspondence with Caltrain. mandatory
name Name of the station For example: Lake Merritt mandatory
alt_name Other common names Some stations use different spellings on signs inside and outside the stations, on maps, and on schedules. Include them here. recommended
network BART - mandatory
operator San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District - mandatory
railway station - mandatory
station subway, monorail, light_rail Most BART stations are subway; the Oakland Airport Connector is monorail, and the Antioch extension is light_rail mandatory
toilets yes, no - recommended
wheelchair yes, limited All BART stations should be wheelchair accessible recommended


(Note: BART is currently operating on a somewhat different route pattern than normal due to construction on the Transbay Tube. The routes currently mapped represent the current service pattern, whereas the table below represents the normal service pattern and is out of date.)

Line Opening Year / Rerouted Termini Stations Length (km) Master Relation Relations
Richmond - Milbrae/SFO Line
1972 Richmond SFO or Millbrae 24 44.6 relation 2851513 relation 2851511
relation 2851509
relation 2851613
relation 2851612
Berryessa/North San José - Daly City Line
1972 and 2020 Berryessa/North San José Daly City 19 78.6 relation 2851729 relation 2851726
relation 2851728
Berryessa/North San José - Richmond Line
1972 and 2020 Berryessa/North San José Richmond 18 74.3 relation 2851514 relation 2851512
relation 2851510
Dublin/Pleasanton - Daly City Line,
Dublin/Pleasanton - MacArthur Line (Sundays)
1972 Dublin/Pleasanton Daly City or
MacArthur (Sundays)
31 63.0 relation 2851730 relation 2851725
relation 2851727
relation 9315474
relation 9315475
SFO/Millbrae - Antioch Line
1972, 2018 and 2021 SFO or Millbrae Antioch 28 98.4 relation 2827687 relation 2827683
relation 2827686
relation 2827684
relation 2827685
relation 8237283
relation 8129097
Oakland International Airport Line
2014 Oakland Coliseum (OAC) Oakland International Airport (OAK) 2 5.0 relation 4829982 relation 4740795
relation 4829981