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Public-images-osm logo.svg seamark:reflectivity
Relating to a feature's ability to be detected by radar. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: marine navigation
Used on these elements
use on nodes unspecifieduse on ways unspecifieduse on areas unspecifieduse on relations unspecified
Status: undefined
Error loading from Taginfo API.

Relating to a feature's ability to be detected by radar in marine navigation: Conspicuous, radar (CONRAD)


It is used to detail a sea mark (object) in the format seamark:[<object>:]reflectivity.

Possible values

See Seamarks/General Attributes#Conspicuous,_radar_(CONRAD).

Sea mark
Tag value of
Radar conspicuous conspicuous An object which returns a strong radar echo.
Not radar conspicuous not_conspicuous An object which does not return a particularly strong radar echo.
Radar conspicuous (has radar reflector) reflector An object which returns a strong radar echo, having a radar reflector.


OSM seamark resources

JOSM presets & styles

External sources