
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
Revision as of 11:11, 3 October 2021 by Mateusz Konieczny (talk | contribs) (better resolution)
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Public-images-osm logo.svg fenced
グループ: プロパティ
状態:非推奨Page for proposal

exclamation mark

この地物は非推奨とされています。 置き換えは barrier=fence が推奨されています。
理由は Deprecated features に書かれています。 OpenStreetMap には「禁止の地物」がありませんので、使い続けたり合うように解釈したりするのは自由です。
どのような場合でも、JA:Automated Edits code of conduct による承認なしに、データベース内にあるこのタグを別なタグに自動的(または半自動的)に置き換えるべきではありません。 そのような編集は取り消されます。

Once upon a time there were no barrier tags, because nobody had invented them yet. In that time the only way to map a fence in Openstreetmap was with fenced=yes. Almost all fences mapped since the invention of barrier=fence are (re)mapped using that new tag.

The reason this page still exists is, to let people finding objects tagged with fenced=yes know what it means.

So for general information on how to map fences and associated features please see barriers.


This tag is not rendered by the main Openstreetmap renderers.