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Public-images-osm logo.svg type
Type of a relation Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Grupo: propiedades
Usado en estos elementos
no puede ser usado en nodosno puede ser usado en víasno puede ser usado en áreaspuede ser usado en relaciones
Valores documentados: 2
Estado: de facto


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The key type is commonly used to set a relation's type.

See some established relation types.

Other uses

The type key is occasionally also used as an add-on tag for "variants" of a feature category. This approach conflicts with the use of the key for a relation's type and should be avoided (it may also create conflicts on multiple tags for the same element).

For preference when devising new tagging approaches consider using one of these two other formats:

  • <key>=<some_value> + <some_value>:type=*
  • <key>=<some_value> + <some_value>=*

Here are some uses of type within the current schema with suggested values in parentheses: