Camino de Santiago

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Ways to Santiago through Europe
Main ways to Santiago

The Camiño de Santiago(galician) or Camino de Santiago(spanish) (known also as the Way of Saint James among other names) is a network of pilgrims' ways or pilgrimages leading to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. It popular for hikers, pilgrims and bicyclists. This page gathers information about mapping the whole network of hikers trails (for bicycle route see EV3) and is part of the European long-distance paths project (see path E3 in particular).

You can see the map here :!47.3584!4.1638

Relations structure

Because the network is very large, it is not practical to put all its ways to one relation. Instead it is separated to smaller parts, which contain individual ways. All these parts should be added into the network relation relation 153968. In some countries there is another national network-relation introduced, which makes hierarchy with two levels: relation 153968 includes national level relation which includes relations for individual parts of route.

Overview of network parts

The following is overview of parts of the whole trails network. Following conventions are used

  • Quality of mapping is marked with colours: unknown quality very bad quality bad quality medium qualitygood quality very good quality
  • Completness of mapping is marked with various line styles: fully mapped quite all mapped partially mapped - few parts mapped - empty -

Main Ways

way from to relation mapped state

Via Podiensis

the oldest way

way Le Puy-en-Velay Camino navarro
at node Roncesvalles
relation 138227 444.60/756km
partial, segmented
Le Puy - Saugues - Aubrac - St Côme-d'Olt - Espalion - Estaing - Golinhac - Conques - Figeac - Salvagnac-Cajarc - Cahors - Montcuq - Lauzerte - Moissac - Lectoure - La Romieu - Condom - Larressingle - Eauze - Nogaro - Aires-sur-l'Adour - Navarrenx - Ostabat, Stèle de Gibraltar - Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port - Puerto de Ibañeta - Roncesvalles.

Voie de Vézelay

way Vézelay Via Podiensis
at node Ostabat, Stèle de Gibraltar
relation 1106898 56.40/925km Vézelay - Bazoches - Nevers - St Pierre-le-Moûtier - St Amand-Montrond - Neuvy-St-Sépulcre - Eguzon - La Souterraine - Bénévent-l'Abbaye - St Léonard de Noblat - Limoges - Châlus - Thiviers - Périgueux - Bergerac - Duras - Monségur - La Réole - Bazas - Roquefort - Saint-Pierre-du-Mont - Saint-Sever - Hagetmau - Sault-de-Navailles - Orthez - Sauveterre-de-Béarn -Saint-Palais - Ostabat, Stèle de Gibraltar

Via Turonensis

Paris Via Lemovicensis
at Saint-Palais
relation 187781 170.29/925km
Paris - Orléans - Cléry St André - Tours - Châtellerault - Poitiers - Melle - Aulnay - St Jean d'Angeli - Saintes - Pons - Blaye - Bordeaux - Belin-Belier - Saugnacq-et-Muret - Vieux-Richet - St Paul-les-Dax - Sorde-l'Abbaye - Sauveterre-de-Béarn - Saint-Palais

Via Tolosane

Arles Camino aragonés
at Col du Somport
relation 389715 253.24/830km Arles - St Gilles - Montpellier - St Guilhem le Désert - Lodève - Le Bousquet d'Orb - Castres - Toulouse - Gimont - Auch - Barran - Montesquiou - St Christaud - Maubourguet - Morlaàs - Lescar - Oloron-Sainte-Marie - Sarrance - Lescun - Borce - Col du Somport

Camino Navarro

Via Podiensis
at Roncesvalles
Camino Francés
at Puente la Reina
no own relation at the moment mapped as Camino francés, I think the "navarro" is artificial.

Camino Aragonés

Via Tolosane
at Col du Somport
Camino Francés
at Puente la Reina
relation 226725 174.03/200km Col du Somport - Canfranc - Jaca - Sangüesa - Monreal - Eunate - Obanos - Puente la Reina

Camiño Francés

Puente la Reina Santiago relation 66261 829/703km
segmented, some bugs
Puente la Reina - Estella - Los Arcos - Torres del Río - Logroño - Navarrete - Nájera - Santo Domingo de la Calzada - San Juan de Ortega - Burgos - Castrojeriz - Frómista - Villalcazar de Sirga - Carrión de los Condes - Sahagún - Mansilla de las Mulas - León - Hospital de Órbigo - Astorga - Rabanal del Camino - Foncebadón - Ponferrada - Villafranca del Bierzo - O Cebreiro - Triacastela - Samos - Sarria - Portomarín - Palas de Rei - Arzúa - Santiago de Compostela

Camiño Primitivo

Oviedo Camino Francés
at Melide
relation 1029959 268/350km Oviedo - Grado - Salas - Tineo - Pola de Allande - La Mesa - Grandas de Salime - Fonsagrada - Cadavo Baleira - Lugo - San Román de Retorta - Melide

Camiño Inglés

A Coruña / Ferrol Santiago relation 1102966 total 144km of 85 / 120km A Coruña / Ferrol - Bruma - Santiago

Camiño Portugués

Lisboa Santiago relation 385135 129/800km? Lisboa - Coimbra - Oporto - Valenca do Minho - Tui - Pontevedra - Padrón - Santiago

Secondary Ways

way from to relation mapped state
Czech Camino de Santiago superrelation containg all branches in Czechia relation 254280

Voie de Soulac

Soulac-sur-Mer Camino de la Costa

Via Francigena

Italy Via Tolosane

Via Gebennensis

Geneva Via Podiensis
at way Le Puy-en-Velay
relation 961610

Camino de la Costa

Voie de Soulac Santiago relation 360167 371 km partial, segmented

Vía de la Plata

Sevilla Astorga relation 241329 615/700km segmented

Camino Sanabrés

Granja de Moreruela Santiago relation 6895237 341km partial, segmented

Camino de Madrid

Madrid Sahagún relation 112925 265km partial, segmented

Camino Mozárabe

Granada Mérida relation 1211396

Camino de Santiago de Levante

Valencia Chinchilla de Montearagón relation 3624753

Camino de Santiago del Sureste

Alicante Benavente relation 2401811 942/753 Km. full. Alicante - Orito - Petrer - Villena - Yecla- Montealegre del Castillo - Pétrola- Albacete - La Roda - Minaya- El Toboso - La Puebla de Almoradiel- Tembleque- Almonacid de Toledo- Burguillos de Toledo - Toledo - Novés- Escalona- Cadalso de los Vidrios- Cebreros- San Bartolomé de Pinares - Ávila - Gotarrendura - Arévalo- Medina del Campo - Tordesillas- Mota del Marqués- Villalpando - Benavente.

Camino de Santiago del Azahar (por Jumilla)

Cartagena Chinchilla (Albacete) relation 2625037

Camiño a Fisterra - Muxía

Santiago Fisterra / Muxía relation 385098 124km partial, segmented

Camino del Ebro

Logroño relation 62932

Camino Catalán por Lleida

Barcelona/L'Hospitalet Logroño relation 382741 300km partial, segmented

Camí de Sant Jaume per Huesca

Tàrrega San Juan de la Peña / Sta. Cilia de Jaca relation 380796 235km almost complete, segmented

Camino Olvidado

Bilbao Villafranca del Bierzo relation 17264003

Via Mosana

(Meuse River's way) via Belgium (Liège, Huy, Namur)

Aachen, Germany Via Lemovicensis,
at Vézelay, France
relation 151765 145 km partial, segmented Aachen - Liège - Huy - Namur - Reims - Vézelay

Via Gallia Belgica

Hélécine, Belgium Via Turonensis,
at Paris, France

Via Baltica

Cross the Baltic States. Ancient pilgrim way to Santiago de Compostela. Not related information of the cities where is crossing. Please update this page with more info. a small group of people from Vidzemes University (Latvia) is interested to walk this Camino in Latvia country ans signpost with traditional yellow arrows.

Tallin, Estonia Riga, Latvia Kaunas, Estonia waiting for a super-relation, Projekt_Jakobsweg

Via Regia

Görlitz, Germany Vacha, Germany 6 relations waiting for a super-relation, Projekt_Jakobsweg see also [1]

Via Garona

Via Tolosane, at Toulouse Chemin du Piémont, at Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges relation 7235528 147km, complete

Chemin de Conques à Toulouse

Via Podiensis Via Tolosane, at Toulouse relation 8306554 209km, complete

Chemin du Piémont

via Foix

Narbonne Oloron relation 368453 partial

Camino de Santiago del Estrecho

Algeciras Puerto Real (-> Camino de Cadiz) relation 3421730 partial

Tertiary Ways

way from to relation mapped state
JW Köln-Aachen Köln, Germany Via Mosana,
at Aachen, Germany
relation 35121 78 km
Fränkisch-Schwäbischer Jakobsweg (FSJ) Würzburg, Germany Ulm, Germany relation 86644
Jakobswanderweg Odenwald, Main- und Taubertal (JMT) Miltenberg am Main, Germany Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany relation 181038
Jakobsweg Rothenburg o.d.T. - Rottenburg (JRR) Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany relation 96761
Access from Colomiers Colomiers, France Via Tolosana, France relation 536104 3 km, complete
Mittelfränkischer Jakobsweg (MFJ) Nürnberg, Germany Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany relation 154579

Variant Ways

way from to relation mapped state
Via Podiensis by Rocamadour

Mapping: the Relations


Each way must be a relation according to the following example :

Tag Note
name=* e.g. Via Podiensis, Le Puy-en-Velay - Conques
int_name=Camino de Santiago


Type Role Discussion
way (blank) or 'forward' or 'backward' [1] the ways making up the route.
area node place_of_worship Main churches along the way or at stages where are services for pilgrims.
area node information Information resource for pilgrims see information=*


Don't forget mapping the amenities (shelter, fountain, drinking water, bench, toilets, pharmacy... amenity=*), shops (shop=*) and other touristic features (hostel, camp, picnic_site, viewpoint... tourism=*) along the way that could have interest for the pilgrims, but WITHOUT including them into the relation.





Culture and UNESCO heritage


  • Needs to be corrected: Most part of the Spanish mapped way is from the EV3.
  • French part legislation problem: According to the French Legistation, the GR (Chemins de Grande Randonnée) can't be mapped as they are intellectual property of the Fédération Française de Randonnée Pédestre. but pluri-secular ways like the ways to Santiago de Compostella should be in OpenStreetMap. For this purpose, for distinguishing the Camino, as pilgrimage, from the GR, as hiking, main churches (as Vézelay, Le Puy-en-Velay, Conques, Moissac...) must be added to the relation as role=place_of_worship (see below).


  1. The destination is Santiago. If the way is leading to Santiago, chose forward or left blank, otherwise chose backward