Featured images/Oct-Dec 2013
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These are featured images, which have been identified as the best examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or as useful illustrations of the OpenStreetMap project.
If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it on Featured image proposals.
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Gallery of featured images, from October to December 2013
Details and captions
Week 40 (from Monday 30 September 2013 to Sunday 6 October 2013) [Edit]
- English : The new "Humanitarian" style (also available on osm.org) offers a new window on OpenStreetMap data. This new style focuses on the needs of the HOT work, for example water and sanitation, road quality, fire hydrants, electricity network, street lights, or social facilities.
Week 41 (from Monday 7 October 2013 to Sunday 13 October 2013) [Edit]
- English : A leather iPad cover with an OpenStreetMap design on show at OSMit conference last weekend. The creators dressmap.it have more pictures on their site
Week 42 (from Monday 14 October 2013 to Sunday 20 October 2013) [Edit]
- English : State of the Map Scotland 2013 took place last weekend in Edinburgh
Week 43 (from Monday 21 October 2013 to Sunday 27 October 2013) [Edit]
- English : A map rendering with hillshading by OpenMapSurfer – shown here: openmapsurfer "OSM Roads (new)" with "ASTER GDEM & SRTM Hillshade (experimental)" (Greece).
Week 44 (from Monday 28 October 2013 to Sunday 3 November 2013) [Edit]
- English : A mapping party in Low Tatras (Slovakia) took place on 12th and 13th October 2013 whose main objective was to add missing hiking and bicycle trails to the OSM data. The video shows a time-lapse animation of the participants' GPS traces.
Week 45 (from Monday 4 November 2013 to Sunday 10 November 2013) [Edit]
- English : Wind speeds and directions of storm Christian at 28th October 2013 in Northwest Germany overlaid on an OSM base map. The leaflet-openweathermap JavaScript library shows free OpenWeatherMap data in a slippy map. View this layer on a demo service!
Week 46 (from Monday 11 November 2013 to Sunday 17 November 2013) [Edit]
- English : Typhoon Haiyan editing activity visualised. Pascal Neis analysed changesets in the Philippines and Vietnam. In his blog post he reports that we had contributions from 245 different people by Sunday evening, all helping to improve our map data which is being used by aid organisations and crisis responders. OSM contributors, thank you and keep up the good work!
Week 47 (from Monday 18 November 2013 to Sunday 24 November 2013) [Edit]
- English : Every Line Ever in San Francisco! “OpenStreetMap: Every Line Ever, Every Point Ever” is an artistic experiment in drawing every version of every point or line feature that ever existed in the OSM database. Read more info and explore the slippy map of San Francisco or London.
Week 48 (from Monday 25 November 2013 to Sunday 1 December 2013) [Edit]
- English : Large OSM-based poster maps of Tacloban, Guiuan and Ormoc printed and delivered by International Organization on Migration in DSWD Operations Center in Tacloban Airport. The maps will be used to coordinate the relief and rescue efforts for the victims/survivors of Typhoon Haiyan.
Week 49 (from Monday 2 December 2013 to Sunday 8 December 2013) [Edit]
- English : Linking UK Food Hygiene Rating System data (licensed under the Open Government License) to OSM highways. This is a potentially rich set of address and other data for OSM. Records are located to postcode centroid but contain full addresses. This image shows an intermediate step in assigning the postcodes to an individual named road. Work done at London Hack Weekend last weekend.
Week 50 (from Monday 9 December 2013 to Sunday 15 December 2013) [Edit]
- English : A colourful artistic map of Lille (France) with its characteristic star-shaped citadel, made using OpenStreetMap data and QGIS as described in the tutorial here.
Week 51 (from Monday 16 December 2013 to Sunday 22 December 2013) [Edit]
- English : During an disaster risk reduction OSM training held November 2013 in Guagua (Pampanga, Philippines) the participants were divided into groups and did a field survey in various parts of the town. Shown in the photo is the Betis group taking down notes beside a Death March trail historical marker
Death March trail historical marker.
Week 52 (from Monday 23 December 2013 to Sunday 29 December 2013) [Edit]
- English : OpenStreetMappy Xmas to all our contributors and users!
Festive biscuits at the OpenStreetMap Christmas Party in London