Historical Objects | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Authors: | Lutz, Netzwolf, Zecke, Reneman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
License: | OpenStreetMap and contributors CC BY-SA and ODbL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Platform: | Web | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Version: | (2025-03-13) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Language: | English
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Website: | http://www.historic.place | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Programming language: | PHP | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Show POI with historical background on an OSM map |
Latest news
- 2024-07-17
- A quartet of history researchers from Püttlingen are now making it possible for interested history fans to travel through time. Saarbruecker Zeitung.
Recent news
- 2024-04-26
- New maps of
"Püttlingen Tractus 1784",
"Püttlingen Nassau-SB 1822",
"Rittenhofen/Coelln/Engelfangen Tractus 1759" is online.
Older news
- 2023-08-13
- Local historian mentions Historic.Place.
- 2023-05-06
- New Tiles Zoom 11 for Germany from OpenTopoPlus "OpenTopoPlus" is online.
Linking Open Place Reviews in the Layerchanger
New map of "Sächsischen Meilenblätter 1780/1806" is online.
- 2022-04-02
- New map of "Sitzenrodaer Forst 1780" is online.
- 2021-12-23
- Old Tile Server links deleted, fixed brocken links of Zürich,
Local historian mentions Historic.Place
- 2021-09-04
- New map of "Sachsen 1857" is online.
- 2021-05-09
- The update process is running again, thanks to Netzwolf and Zecke :-). If you find any bugs please report!
- 2021-04-17
- Our update process is broken. The background is that 33 bits are reserved for the node ID. This limit has been exceeded in the database. Netzwolf and Zecke work on it. We ask for some patience. There will be no updates until this will be fixed.
- 2020-09-20
- Link to the Lower Saxony State Office for Monument Preservation added in the popup: Jüdischer Friedhof
- 2020-06-05
- Promotion 2020 by the FOSSGIS
- 2020-05-09
- New map of "Brandenburg Schmettau 1787" is online.
- 2020-04-02
- Historic.Place Gitlab-Server is online.
- 2019-12-24
- Added Historic.Place Tiles Zoom 8-10, source MapSurfer OSM Administrative Boundaries, OSM Humanitarian Data Model and Wikimedia labelled layer.
- 2019-08-30
- Thanks to user Павел Гетманцев we now have a Ukraine language page.
Routing with OSRM is back to "Historic.Place".
- 2019-07-14
- Thanks to user 고급협동조합 we now have a Korean language page. Switching the language now preserves all other map settings.
- 2019-07-12
- Over 6000 records from GRSL-Bender at 'Historic.Place'.
- 2019-06-10
- Added:Westrussland 1905
- 2019-05-24
- Promotion 2018 by theFOSSGIS
Linking Interessengemeinschaft Zeitgeschichte Deutschland in the Layerchanger
Historic.Place auf dem Libre Graphics Meeting 2019 in Saarbrücken
- 2019-05-14
- Historic.Place map Historische Wanderung - Gedenken zum 100jährigen Jahrestag des Versailler Vertrags
- 2019-04-12
- Historic.Place in der Saarbrücker Zeitung
Interesting project Burgen-Dossier, we made a map
Wikimedia on OSM is back.
- 2019-04-03
- We have defects layer deleted:
Wikimedia on OSM
Routing OSRM V5
Administrative Boundaries
Kleks MTB 1920
Kleks MTB 1880
The service of these layers is unfortunately no longer available.
For Germany, we have rendered administrative boundaries.
We plan to do this for the whole of Europe.
- 2019-03-10
- Marc Herff (User LeFagnard) acquired as part of his activity when creating the map "Boundary stones kingdom Belgium kingdom Prussia in 1815" for Historic.Place the publishing rights of a map of Border areas of eastern Belgium from 1873 by IGN.BE. A map of the 1936 region will follow in the next few weeks. We thank you for the commitment.
- 2019-02-08
- Linking OpenStreetCamin the Layerchanger
- 2019-01-03
- Linking to Wikidata-Monumental
- 2018-12-16
- We added 3 new icons to the popup.
These link to Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia and an image from Wikidata. Without the image=*, wikipedia=* or wikimedia_commons=* has been mapped in OSM.
Wikidata must of course be mapped, and within Wikidata Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and a picture must be registered.
Thanks to Maxime Lathuilière and developer for Wikidata Hub
- 2018-11-09
- Move "Load GPX" in the "Layerchanger": Load GPX
- 2018-10-27
- Linking National Register of Historic Places in the popup.
- 2018-10-13
- Linking the 'ref:lt:kpd' in the popup.
- 2018-10-06
- When looking at the 'Historic.Place map' I again encounter regions that can serve as a 'Showcase' for 'Historic.Place'.
In loose order, I would like to introduce these.
Eupen (Belgium).
- 2018-07-08
- The "Stolperstein" map is updated every hour
Help to Stop the censorship-machinery! Save the Internet!
- 2018-06-25
- Help to Stop the censorship-machinery! Save the Internet!
- 2018-06-02
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.
Linking Wikidata Nearbyin the Layerchanger
- 2018-05-27
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.
Added:Post und Eisenbahn-Reisekarte Deutschland 1859
- 2018-04-03
- Added:New theme "Grenzsteine Königreich Belgien Königreich Preußen 1815"
- 2018-03-18
- Added:British Listed Buildings and Cadw on the Popup.
- 2018-03-04
- Added:Carte industrielle de la région parisienne
- 2018-01-21
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.Our planet file is broken, a new one is expected to be ready at the end of January 2018.
Added:Verkehrskarte Magdeburg 1922
- 2018-01-09
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.Our planet file is broken, a new one is expected to be ready at the end of January 2018.
Added:Atlas Tyrolensis 1774
- 2017-12-29
- Added:Topographische Karte über das Grossherzogthum Baden 1839
- 2017-12-26
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.Our planet file is broken, a new one is expected to be ready at the end of January 2018.
- 2017-12-17
- The update is running again, thanks for the patience.
- 2017-12-02
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.
- 2017-11-17
- Hungary language version of Historic.Place, thanks to User:BAB.
- 2017-11-01
- Added
Base-Layer "Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie 2017"
Base-Layer "Uebersichtskarte Deutschland"
Fixed brocken links, Dutch Topographical & Military Map Color (TMK 1850) and Bonnebladen 1865.
- 2017-10-03
- Added Historic.Place Tiles Zoom 7
- 2017-09-24
- We have problems with the data update, please be patient.
- 2017-09-16
- Added Admin-Level 2 Labels
Regions Labels
Linking OpenStreet Browser in the Layerchanger
- 2017-08-12
- Added Wikidata Tools in the Popup
- 2017-08-05
- Added OpenRailwayMap-Overlay.
and References in the Wiki.
- 2017-07-29
- Linking Wikimapia and Geograph UK in the Layerchanger
- 2017-07-20
- Spiegel Onlinie links to the Stolperstein map at Historic.Place
- 2017-06-4
- Update Map of Boundary stones kingdom Saxony kingdom Prussia in 1815,
Added Tiles Sächsische Kantoneinteilung (1814)
Added map Tel Aviv 1936
- 2017-05-19
- Added
The Roman Empire Map.
LinkingPeripleo Placesand Archaeological Atlas of Antiquity in the Layerchanger
- 2017-04-30
- Hans-Joachim Gawor mentioned in this book,
the downloaded map extracts from Historic.Place were very helpful.
- 2017-04-23
- Openstreetmap Belgium recommends Historic Place in its article about Heritage in Flanders and Crowd-Sourced Projects.
- 2017-04-07
- Linking Geopedia in the Layerchanger,
and ref:lfd Bremen, ref:rce und ref:clt in the popup.
- 2017-03-17
- Linking the 'ref:mhs', 'ref:bldam'
and 'ref:lda' Berlin in the popup. - 2017-01-28
- Linking the 'ref:OnroerendErfgoed' in the popup.
- 2017-01-21
- Linking the 'openplaques:id' and Mémorial Gen Web in the popup.
- 2016-12-18
- Update OSRM routing to API V. 5, thanks Netzwolf.
- 2016-12-10
- Added Control UserTiles,Tile-Server can be inserted.
Added map of Spezialkarte der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie 1877-1914,
Added Japanese language version, thanks to Higa4!
- 2016-11-27
- Added map of Ireland British War Office,
Memorial Atlas of Ireland 1901,
Leipzig 1850-1892,
Eestimaa füüsiline kaart 1922
- 2016-11-12
- Added map of Mappa geral do Brasil 1911,
Former Yugoslavia,
Etnografisk Kart over Finmarken 1861
- 2016-10-28
- Update runs again, thanks to Netzwolf and Zecke,
added map of France 1799, Egypt 1885
- 2016-10-23
- Propleme with the update of the data, we work on it
Added map of Poland 1920
Litchfield County Hopkins 1854, Windham County Woodford 1856,
Fairfield County Chace 1856, Hartford County Woodford 1855,
New London County, Connecticut 1854
- 2016-10-02
- Added map of Tây Ninh (Vietnam) 1898
- 2016-09-25
- Added Mining map of Upper Silesia (Oberschlesien) from about 1902
Topografiska corpsens map of Stockholm 1861
Map of Gothenburg 1888
- 2016-08-28
- Added Map of Carte des concessions et chemins de fer de la Compagnie propriétaire des mines d'Anzin, Raismes, Fresnes, Vieux-Condé, Denain, Saint-Saulve, Odomez et Hasnon
Added Map of Zürich 1793 (Müllerplan), Zürich 1864 (Kellerplan), Zürich 1900, Zürich 1860
- 2016-08-13
- Added Map of Heimatkarte des Saargebietes 1927
Added Atlas Fourcy from 1859 (First atlas of quarries and catacombs of Paris).
- 2016-07-16
- Servicing work concluded, thanks Netzwolf.
Added Duhamel-Atlas (Atlas des concessions du terrain houiller de la Sarre) from 1810 of the Saar coal region.
- 2016-07-15
- Due to maintenance update for 2-3 weeks.
- 2016-07-09
- Polish language version of Historic.Place, thanks to olo81.
- 2016-07-03
Added Map of Geologische Generalkarte der Schweiz 1:200000
- 2016-06-17
- In the Historic.Place-Wiki (DE) undocumented objects of the map can be discussed.
- 2016-06-10
- Added Map of Rostock Wiebeking 1786, Rostock Schmettau 1788, Rostock Tarnow 1790
- 2016-05-21
- Update Map of USA 1900 (Philadelphia)
- 2016-04-25
- Added "Flözkarte des Saarländischen Kohledistrikts nach Moritz Kliver", a very detailed and precise map of the Saar coal mining region from 1881 to 1908.
- 2016-04-23
- Historic.Place now has an own Facebook group. Meet the developers and discuss Historic.Place related topics.
Added Map of Dutch Topographical & Military Map 1850 and Bonnebladen 1865.
Added Heritage layer from Hamburg, Berlin, Moers and Zürich.
- 2016-04-17
- Fixed issue with IE Browser.
New Routing tool(F4) and Measuring tool(F9) with File download.
GPX waypoint files can be uploaded now.
- 2016-03-22
- Markers can be set and unset by hitting ALT + Mouseclick (or Shift + ALT + Mouseclick). Markers are stored in the Permalink.
- 2016-02-27
- Update Map of USA 1900
- 2016-02-18
- Fixed issue with GPX Download
- 2016-02-01
- Support storing active layer information in Permalink and Cookie.
Added Map of Sachsen DDR, and Sachsen vor 1945
- 2016-01-23
- Added Map of Rheinland Pfalz 1803-1878.
- 2016-01-05
- Added Maps of USA 1900, Berlin 1907, Topografische kaart Vandermaelen (1846-1854)... Fixed little bugs
- 2015-12-14
- A Mapper in the Spotlight. An interview with Historic.Place founder Lutz Lange.
- 2015-12-13
- Added Base map Pioneer
- 2015-11-15
- Added attribution (copyright) of Thumbnail preview image. Added maps of Cherbourg 1943 and Markgröningen 1751
- 2015-10-16
- The greater part of www.historic.place is online again
(with a slightly outdated set of data). However not all previously available historical layers could be restored yet.
- 2015-10-14
- The greater part of www.historic.place is online again (with a slightly outdated set of data). However not all previously available historical layers could be restored yet.
- 2015-10-09
- A server crash due to corrupt main and backup disk causes heavy trouble. www.historic.place goes offline for several days.
- 2015-09-26
- Support of Geograph project images (UK, Channel islands and Germany). Please link to the image main page as in this example.
- 2015-09-26
- Added Map of Helsinki 1900, Lyon 1888, Tartu 1882, Umeå 1937 and Zürich 1910. Modification of the Permalink (Permalink without Layers).
- 2015-09-13
- Added Map of Schwarzwald-Nord-1920 Please update all permalinks!
- 2015-09-05
- Added Map of Budapest 1933 Please update all permalinks!
- 2015-08-23
- Added Map of Umgebung von Wien 1941 and Belgrad 1940
- 2015-08-15
- Added Map of Dresden 1833 and Moskau 1836
- 2015-08-10
- Implemented dynamic addition of historical layers in range. Added map of Berlin 1860.
- 2015-07-24
- Added Map of Prussian semaphore system
- 2015-07-18
- Historical maps of Spandau 1938 were integrated.
- 2015-07-15
- Introduced optional use of cookies to save current layer settings. If the icons in your maps' top right corner look somewhat disturbed, please reload your browser (F5)! It seems a problem with cached css data.
- 2015-07-10
- Belgian Mapper of the Month: Escada blogs like he discovers the historical places map.
- 2015-07-05
- Added Wikimedia on OSM link
- 2015-06-24
- German newspaper names Historic.place as an appropriate way to research about celtic dwellings in Europe.
- 2015-06-21
- News tooltip added
- 2015-06-20
- wikimedia_commons=* in the popup added
- 2015-06-19
- Fixed problem with https in the popup, Thanks Netzwolf
- 2015-06-16
- Our donation page is online! :-) We need donations to cope with the infrastructure costs. That's all.
- 2015-05-25
- Added Flickr link
- 2015-05-23
Added Mapillary linkWas not a good idea
- 2015-05-19
- Danish language version of Historic.Place (Thanks to user Kim Bach)
- And a nice success story
- 2015-05-17
- Historical maps of Newport 1845 were integrated.
- 2015-05-12
- New feature: Upload tracks and see them on the map.
- 2015-05-12
- Integration of mapproxy for easy integration of foreign historical maps.
- 2015-05-06
- An overview map for historical maps layers was integrated
- 2015-05-06
- Historical maps of Romania were integrated.(Thanks to geo-spatial.org!)
- 2015-05-06
- Historical maps of the British Isles were integrated (Thanks to NLS!).
2015-04-26 Historical maps from the KLEKs project were integrated (Thanks to KLEKs!)
2015-04-20 geoObserver blogs OSM: Historische Objekte
2015-04-16 Russian language version of Historic.Place (Thanks to user Bigopenmac)
2015-04-16 www.historic.place went officially online. Yeah.
2015-04-15 xkomczax blogs Historical Objects map
2015-04-09 We received a financial grant from Fossgis to support our server costs! Many thanks for that!
January 2015 A much bigger server was rented as a replacement for the first one.
December 2014 The first server was rented for the historical map. It was decided to call it magic.historic.place. Isn't that cute?
November 2014 The internet domain historic.place was reserved. Another big thanks to Netzwolf.
November 2013
A discussion about OpenStreetMap's future.
Weaknesses -- Nice map views difficult to find. Example: [History map]
Lutz started the project somewhere back in 2013 as http://geschichtskarten.openstreetmap.de/historische_objekte/
Many things happened since. Maybe some time somebody will write it down somewhere...