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Public-images-osm logo.svg cargo
Niger, Liboré, donkey cart.jpg
Type of cargo transported. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: transport
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 2
See also
Status: approvedPage for proposal

This key specifies the type of cargo transported.

Main tag required

The cargo key is a secondary key. It is essential to specify what it applies to:



This tag was initially proposed to indicate the type of ferry terminal, i.e. what could be transported to or from this terminal (vehicles, passengers, both...). The majority of values ​​currently used for this key are linked to this first definition.


This tag has been generalized to any type of cargo and you can, depending on the type of transport defined as the main tag, specify the cargo transported. Some examples :

Tag Count Comment
cargo=passengers passengers (note that we exceptionally use a plural here for the value)
cargo=vehicle vehicles
cargo=container containers
cargo=dry_bulk solid general cargo
cargo=liquid_bulk liquids such as oil and its derivatives
cargo=wood wood
cargo=food food

The values may also be combined using the Semi-colon value separator. Example:

Before using a semicolon, it is advisable to consult the values ​​of ​​taginfo to see which orders of values ​​are most used (example: the "passengers;vehicle" order is to be preferred over the "vehicle;passengers" order because it is much more used).

Use as access key

Please note that this key is mentioned on the access=* page as well and proposed to be used for description of legal access permissions of water based transport with usual values such as yes, no, designated. Therefore some conflicts might occur.