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Public-images-osm logo.svg seamark:obstruction:category
Seamark obstruction.png
Categorys of obstructions Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: maritime
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 1
Status: de facto

Classification of objects that impede movement.


seamark:obstruction:category Definition
Snag/stump stump A tree, branch or broken pile embedded in the ocean floor, river or lake bottom and not visible on the surface, forming thereby a hazard to vessels.
Wellhead wellhead A submarine structure projecting some distance above the seabed and capping a temporarily abandoned or suspended oil or gas well.
Diffuser diffuser A structure on an outfall through which liquids are discharged. The structure will usually project above the level of the outfall and can be an obstruction to navigation.
Crib crib A permanent structure set in the water, framed with wooden beams and filled with rocks or boulders. They are used to anchor log booms or support other constructions, e.g. submerged outfalls, diffusers etc. They may always be dry, submerged or cover and uncover.
Fish haven fish_haven Areas established by private interests, usually sport fishermen, to simulate natural reefs and wrecks that attract fish. The reefs are constructed by dumping assorted junk in areas which may be of very small extent or may stretch a considerable distance along a depth contour.
Foul area foul_area An area of numerous unidentified dangers to navigation. The area serves as a warning to the mariner that all dangers are not identified individually and that navigation through the area may be hazardous. Commonly used to encode areas behind danger lines on navigation charts.
Foul ground foul_ground Areas over which it is safe to navigate but which should be avoided for anchoring, taking the ground or ground fishing.
Ice boom ice_boom Floating barriers, anchored to the bottom, used to deflect the path of floating ice in order to prevent the obstruction of locks, intakes, etc., and to prevent damage to bridge piers and other structures.
Ground tackle ground_tackle Equipment such as anchors, concrete blocks, chains and cables, etc., used to position floating structures such as trot and mooring buoys etc.
Boom boom A floating barrier used to protect a river or harbour mouth or to create a sheltered area for storage purposes.

See also