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Public-images-osm logo.svg agroecology
Ek Ong Kar - Huerta agroecológica.jpeg
It represents places, shops or farms, that follow the principles and practices of agroecology.
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
Useful combination

place=farm shop=convenience landuse=farmyard amenity=marketplace shop=agrarian

See also


Status: approvedPage for proposal

The key agroecology=* is used to map places that explicitly advertises itself as “agroecology”, “agroecological” or “agroecology farms”, “agroecology shops”. Farms can also have obtained an “agroecology label” either through a third party or a participatory guarantee system.

The concept definition is described on the FAO website [1] : "Agroecology is a holistic and integrated approach that simultaneously applies ecological and social concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agriculture and food systems."

In many places of the world, certification for organic agricultural labels carries a major financial cost for many family farms. As a result, farmers’ communities are developing their own labels and participatory guarantee systems (PGS) to certify their agroecological practices [2] , [3] .


  1. In the simplest case: If the place explicitly describes or advertises itself as "agroecological" or "agroecology", add the agroecology=yes tag to the map element.
  2. Alternatively, for places having a certificate for the agroecology practices, add then theagroecology=certified tag to the map element.
    1. If the certification method is described in the source used by the mapper, the tag and suffix agroecology:certification=* can be added, with the following values:
      1. agroecology:certification=third_party, for labels or seals received from companies or government agencies dedicated to evaluating and certifying agroecological practices.
      2. agroecology:certification=participatory, for labels or seals obtained from participatory guaranty systems.
    2. If the organization who provide the certification is known, then the agroecology:operator=* tag should be added.


Key value Description
agroecology yes The place explicitly describes or advertises itself as "agroecological" or "agroecology".
agroecology no Use in case a shop or restaurant does not offer agroecological products. There is no agroecology unless the place has an explicit label.
agroecology certified Use for places having a certificate of the agroecology farming practices.



  1. FAO: Agroecology Knowledge Hub
  2. Lemeilleur Sylvaine & Sermage   Juliette. 2020. Building a Knowledge Commons: Evidence from the Participatory Guarantee System for an Agroecology Label in Morocco:
  3. Fernández, Rosa. 2018. Sistemas participativos de garantía agroecológicos en la Argentina