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Public-images-osm logo.svg pilotage
Group: marine
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesuse on ways unspecifiedmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)use on relations unspecified
Documented values: 2
Useful combination
Status: undefined

This tag key should be used for points and facilities in use for pilotage.

How to map

Pilot Boarding Position

node with pilotage=boarding_point.

Pilot Administration, Office or Lookout

Maybe office=pilotage? There is pilotage=office but with basically no use.

Tags used in combination

Tag Values Type Description
name=* User Defined nodearea Name of Pilot Station or Boarding Point
ref=* User Defined nodearea Reference of Pilot Station or Boarding Point
note:pilotage=* User Defined node Special Note regarding Pilotage
deep_water=* yes/no node This boarding point offer deep water pilotage and can be used by deep draught vessels
helicopter=* yes/no node Pilots might board the vessel using helicopter shuttles
launche=* yes/no node Pilots might board the vessel using pilot launches, this is default when unset
lookout=* yes/no nodearea There is a lookout service on this pilot station
building=* office area Mark the building of the Pilot Station, use in combination with office=administrative
contact:vhf=* numeric values nodearea Which VHF channel can be used to contact the pilot station


Pilot stations will generally not be rendered on most street maps, but nautical and marine maps might choose to render this, see OpenSeaMap/Seamark_Tag_Values