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Public-images-osm logo.svg seamark:light:1:character
Rhythm of light Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: marine navigation
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: de facto

Use another number for each sector. If there is only one sector, the number is 1.

For example:

Rhythm of light


Character (LITCHR) seamark:light:character Pattern Description
Fixed F Light F.png A signal light that shows continuously, in any given direction, with constant luminous intensity and colour.
Flashing Fl Light Fl.png A rhythmic light in which the total duration of light in a period is clearly shorter than the total duration of darkness and all the appearances of light are of equal duration.
Long-flashing LFl Light LFl.png A flashing light in which a single flash of not less than two seconds duration is regularly repeated.
Quick-flashing Q Light Q.png A light exhibiting without interruption very rapid regular alternations of light and darkness.
Very-quick-flashing VQ Light VQ.png A flashing light in which flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 80 flashes per minute but less than 160 flashes per minute.
Ultra-quick-flashing UQ Light UQ.png A flashing light in which flashes are repeated at a rate of not less than 160 flashes per minute.
Isophased Iso Light Iso.png A light with all durations of light and darkness equal.
Occulting Oc Light Oc.png A rhythmic light in which the total duration of light in a period is clearly longer than the total duration of darkness and all the eclipses are of equal duration.
Interrupted quick-flashing IQ Light IQ.png A quick light in which the sequence of flashes is interrupted by regularly repeated eclipses of constant and long duration.
Interrupted very quick flashing IVQ Light IVQ.png A light in which the very rapid alterations of light and darkness are interrupted at regular intervals by eclipses of long duration.
Interrupted ultra quick flashing IUQ Light IUQ.png A light in which the ultra quick flashes (160 or more per minute) are interrupted at regular intervals by eclipses of long duration.
Morse Mo Light Mo.png A rhythmic light in which appearances of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or characters in the Morse code.
Fixed/flash FFl Light FFl.png
Flash/long-flash FlLFl Light FlLFl.png
Occulting/flash OcFl Light OcFl.png
Fixed/long-flash FLFl Light FLFl.png
Occulting alternating Al.Oc Light AlOc.png
Long-flash alternating Al.LFl Light AlLFl.png
Flash alternating Al.Fl Light AlFl.png
Group alternating Al.Gr Light AlGr.png
Quick-flash plus long-flash Q+LFl Light QLFL.png
Very-quick-flash plus long-flash VQ+LFl Light VQLFL.png
Ultra-quick-flash plus long-flash UQ+LFl Light UQLFL.png
Alternating Al Light Al.png
Fixed and alternating flashing Al.FFl Light AlFFl.png

See also