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Public-images-osm logo.svg changeset | key: review_requested
변경 집합 태그; 사용자가 이 변경 집합을 다른 사람이 검토하기를 원한다는 것을 나타냅니다.
그룹: changeset
Used on:
may be used on changesets
Status on changesets:
사실상 표준

Public-images-osm logo.svg review_requested
변경 집합 태그; 사용자가 이 변경 집합을 다른 사람이 검토하기를 원한다는 것을 나타냅니다. 설명을 편집 및 번역합니다.
그룹: 바뀜집합
해당 요소의 사용
점에 사용 불가능선에 사용 불가능영역에 사용 불가능관계에 사용 불가능may be used on changesets
상태:폐기 가능

The tag review_requested=yes can be set on changeset to indicate that the mapper would like someone to look over their changes. iD and JOSM make this a checkbox while uploading a change. It should not be used on OSM objects.

iD has it with description "I would like someone to review my edits."

검토 요청에 응답하기

If you wish to help beginners, please respond to review requests.

There are several means to search for review requested edits, for example:

  • OSMCha: Log in with your OSM account, and create a filter. Choose your desired area and at Show flagged choose yes, and at Reason for flagging select Review requested.
  • OSM Suspicious: Set Changeset tags to review_requested and Time to last 96 hours. You can also limit the area to a certain country.

To send feedback to the user, please use the Changeset Discussions feature, so that other reviewers can also view the status. Even a "This looks OK" is helpful!


  • neis-one.org: Blog post about official introduction of this feature (2017-09-03)