OSM Inspector

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OSM Inspector
A part of Karlsruhe, Germany in the Addresses view of the OSM Inspector
A part of Karlsruhe, Germany in the Addresses view of the OSM Inspector
Author: Geofabrik
Slippy map: tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/
Source code: geofabrik/osmi_simple_views GitHub;geofabrik/osmi_pubtrans3 GitHub

The OSM Inspector (alias OSMI) is a web based debugging tool for advanced OpenStreetMap users offered by Geofabrik. On a map you can see several themed views, each with several layers, showing specific details of the OSM data, often with highlighted errors. Layers can be switched on and off, details about any feature is available on mouse click and links lead to your favourite editor so that you can fix problems easily.


Currently the following views are available, click in the Name-link to see specific OSMI documentation:

Applicable area Name Description
World Geometry Shows basic geometry problems such as overlong ways
World Routing Shows probable errors related to routing and navigation
World Tagging Shows basic problems with tag keys and values
World Places Shows places such as cities and towns
World Highways Shows problems with highway tags
World Areas Shows problems with areas (closed ways, multipolygon relations and boundary relations), e.g. missing or inappropriate role, unclosed ways as multipolygon members, self-intersecting areas
World Coastline Shows problems in coastlines
World Addresses Shows addresses including house numbers, postal code areas etc. mapped according to the Karlsruhe Schema
World Water Shows coastlines, rivers, lakes, and many other features related to water
World Public Transport - Stops Shows all kinds of public transport stops including stop position, accesses (such as platforms) and stop areas
World Public Transport - Routes Shows public transport routes (schema version 2 only)

Discontinued Views

Following views existed in history but are not offered any more:

Applicable area Name Description
World Multipolygons Shows problems with multipolygons e.g. missing or inappropriate role, unclosed ways as multipolygon members
Austria plan.at Shows where work needs to be done following the plan.at data import
Germany Kreisgrenzen Shows administrative boundaries and a proposed boundary import in Germany (view is in German)
Germany Straßen NRW Shows roads in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany for import
Netherlands Netherlands (AND) Shows ways in the Netherlands and whether they have been changed since the AND import
World License Change View Shows a (relatively) current snapshot of Contributor Terms acceptance for all currently visible objects in the OSM database
Europe Boundaries Shows administrative boundaries (i.e. between countries, districts, etc.)
World Public Transport - Railway Infrastructure Showed the different types of rail infrastructure
World Public Transport - Non-rail Infrastructure Showed the different types of non-rail infrastructure such aerialways, taxi stands or bus guideways
World Public Transport - Ferries Showed ferry lines and terminals
Europe Public Transport - Network Showed public transport network lines and has been replaced by Public Transport - Routes

What is Open about OSM Inspector and what isn't

The data sets which OSM Inspector is based on have been generated as a side product by custom, Geofabrik-internal data processing in the past. With the release of the new Public Transport views in October 2017, the whole processing of all views is solely based on open source tools (only some scripts running as cronjobs are closed source).

The results, however, can not only be viewed in OSM Inspector, but they can also be downloaded in raw form through WMS and WFS interfaces. (See OSM Inspector/WxS for details.) On request, most layers can also be made available as shape files (you can use WFS download to produce a shape file but that is painfully slow for large areas.)

Reporting problems

See also

Notes and references