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Project Description

This project aims to map the development of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck throughout history and provide a start for historical Research.

The hanseatic city of Lübeck has seen a lot of changes since its founding in 1143 by count Adolf II. von Schauenburg and Holstein between the Trave and Wakenitz rivers.

During the 12th through mid-17th centuries, Lübeck served as the birthplace of the Hanseatic League and emerged as a major commercial hub in the Baltic Sea region.

Anybody is welcome to contribute to the project no matter where you are from. Therefor this project is kept in english.

Project Goal

The goal of the Project is to map the following:

  • Buildings of historical significance
  • Evolution of street names and layouts over time
  • Changes in administrative boundaries of the Free City of Lübeck
  • Course of the rivers Trave and Wakenitz within city limits
  • Historical railway networks in the city
  • Expansion and removal of the cities fortifications


Feel free to add any sources you find to help others map and make it easier to verify our work. Please make sure they are in the public domain (CC0).


If you like to add some maps I recommend searching here:

Following Maps are used in the project or are planned to be used. Note not all maps georeferenced with Mapwarper are properly aligned.

Maps of Lübeck
Name Author Depicted Date Depicts Source Georeferenced Versions Public Domain?
WP Lübeck Johan van Rijswijk 1604 fortifications Wikimedia
Plan der Stadt Lübeck R. Ruthen 1740? fortifications Library Berlin
Grundriss von Lübeck Johann Gottlieb Möhring (1735–1820) 1787 fortifications Wikimedia Mapwarper
Grundriss der Freien Stadt Lübeck Heinrich Ludwig Behrens 1824 city center Deutsche Fotothek Mapwarper
Brauerwasserkunst 1839 pipes Wikimedia
Grundriss der Freien Stadt Lübeck Heinrich Ludwig Behrens 1840 city center Wikimedia
Topographische Karte des Gebiets Lübecks Heinrich Ludwig Behrens 1843 Lübeck Deutsche Fotothek
Plan von Lübeck Spillhaus, L 1847 city center Deutsche Fotothek
Plan Lübeck 1872 city center Wikimedia Mapwarper
Plan der Freien und Hansestadt Lübeck 1909 city center Wikimedia
Messtischblatt 2130 Lübeck Preußische Katasterverwaltung 1914[1] Lübeck Wikimedia
Lübeck / Geologische Karte P. Friedrich, C. Gagel 1915 Lübeck GEO-LEO e-docs GEO-LEO e-docs
A.M.S. M841 Sheet 2130 Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme 1948? Lübeck BYU Library
Other Maps
Name Author Depicted Date Source Georeferenced Versions Public Domain?
Plan de la baie de Lübeck 1811 Riksarkivet
Charte von Moisling 1816 Wikimedia
Plan Landgut Paddelügge Ferdinand von Bültzingslöwen 1832 Wikimedia, Det Kgl. Bibliothek
Vorwerker Friedhof Erwin Barth 1906 Wikimedia
Bahnhof Lageplan LBE 1908 Wikimedia
Garten Ed Jürgens Erwin Barth 1908 Wikimedia
Seegrenzschlachthof Hans Pieper 1928-10 Wikimedia
Holstentorplatz Erwin Barth 1930 Wikimedia Architekturmuseum der TU Berlin


Feel free to add yourself if you are interested.

See also


  1. Shows the new main station therefore cannot be before 1908. Likely edited before release.