Proposal:Extending kneipp water cure

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The Feature Page for this approved proposal is located at Tag:amenity=kneipp_water_cure
Extending amenity=kneipp_water_cure
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: JIDB
Tagging: amenity=kneipp_water_cure
Applies to: node area
Definition: "Site of a Kneipp facility"

Draft started: 2016-03-30
RFC start: 2016-04-12
Vote start: 2016-06-19
Vote end: 2016-07-03


Kneipp facilities (de) are popular in german speaking countries. But currently it is only possible to tag single foot basins (using amenity=kneipp_water_cure).

The existing Tag amenity=kneipp_water_cure will be extended so that it can be used as well for a foot basin as for the whole site of the facility. It is then possible to use it:

  • as area for the site of a Kneipp facility.
  • as node for the Kneipp facility (In this case, there are no differences between a single basin or the whole facility).
  • as area for the main basin (old method, not recommended anymore).

New subtags allow to list the different kinds of Kneipp basins at the facility:

Positioning the single basins within the facility can de done using some tags:

Other equipments (like benches or bare foot paths) can be tagged as part of the Kneipp facility simply by positioning them within the area.


There are already more than 1000 Kneipp basins in OpenStreetMap (almost exclusively in german speaking countries) and it is quite probable, that the map is not yet complete. There is almost always a foot basin in a Kneipp facility, quite often an arm basin too. Sometimes there are several foot basins. There are cases with just an arm basin without foot basin. Other kind of basins are also possible, for example a face basin.

There are currently no possibilities to aggregate several basins to a Kneipp facility. It is not unusual for a Kneipp facility to be enclosed with a fence (probably to prevent animals entering the basins), so that the borders are quite clear. Frequently there are also benches located on the same site, sometimes a picnic table, a bare foot bath or similar things. The Kneipp facility corresponds usually to the whole site and not only to the foot basin.

We could imagine using a relation to aggregate the elements of a Kneipp facility. But relations are difficult to tag and prone to errors. While editing features, it is quite common to overlook that there is relation and that it should taken into consideration. The same purpose can be achieved more easily and more reliably by tagging the site of the Kneipp facility.

First I though about introducing a new tag leisure=kneipp_water_cure for the site of a Kneipp facility, as until now it was sometimes done with other existing tags but which doesn't seem to always be suitable:

  • leisure=park: but Kneipp facilities are not always in semi-natural state. Some Kneipp facilities are inside a park but not always.
  • landuse=recreation_ground: but simular reason, a Kneipp facility is not always a green space.
  • leisure=water_park: but a water park is always much more than that even if in some water parks there is a Kneipp basin, .
  • leisure=pitch: but even if the use of a Kneipp basin could be regarded as a soft sport activity, a pitch would be only for sport field, not for the whole site.

Finally it is easier and clearer to extend the signification of the current tag and optionally use some new tags kneipp_water_cure=* to position the single basins, similar to what was done for playground=*.

It won't be necessary to update the existing objects: among the existing objects there are currently two main kinds of geometries and very few exceptions. The first main kind is just a node at the place of the foot basin. To tag the whole facility with a node, one would anyway place the node at the center of the basin, so that it is exactly the same geometry. The second kind of geometry is the outline of the foot basin. In this case the area for the whole facility would be a little bit bigger, but not much if there is just a foot basin. So that the existing objects can remain as they are and the proposal allows it explicitly. The very few exceptions can easily be found using overpass and I would update them manually (they are anyway mostly facilities that I entred myself to test the proposal).



Create a node node for the location or an area area for the perimeter of the whole facility and tag it with amenity=kneipp_water_cure. Where appropriate also add:

Tag Description Example
kneipp_water_cure:foot=yes/no when with a foot bassin
kneipp_water_cure:arm=yes/no when with an arm bassin
kneipp_water_cure:face=yes/no when with a face bassin
name=* Name of the Kneipp facility, as sometimes stated on a nearby sign. It can simply be "Kneippanlage" oder something like "Kneippanlage Lauterbach", "Wassertretbecken Mehring"...
opening_hours=* Opening months if available. May-Oct: 00:00-24:00; Nov-Apr: Off

Optionally add the position of the single basins using nodes or areas within the area for the whole site and tag them:

amenity=kneipp_water_cure was first introduced for foot basins instead of the whole facility, that's why it is still allowed to use it for the area of a single foot basin. In the future it is recommended to use the new method.


Kneipp facility with just one foot basin

Kneippanlage with just one foot basin

Preferred way: tag a closed way to mark the outline of the site of the Kneipp facility:


and another closed way for the foot basin inside the site:


Alternatively the whole facility with just one node:


The old method remains allowed (but is not recommended anymore). The outline of the foot basin was tagged like that:


Kneipp facility in a natural stream

Kneipp facility in a natural stream

It is not necessary to draw the equivalent of the basin within the stream. It is enough to draw the outline of the whole site (for example including benches) and tag it like that:

name=Wassertretanlage Birkenwerder

The exact place in the stream can be tagged as a node:


If you want to drawn the exact place in the stream as an area, then also tag the width of the stream:


(alternatively using an area tagged as "waterway=riverbank")

Kneipp facility with just an arm basin

Arm Kneipp basin

Create a node and tag it as:


I kept "kneipp_water_cure:foot=no" to make clear that there is only an arm bassin but it would be even possible to do without.

Kneipp facility with an arm basin integrated in a foot basin

Kneipp facility with an arm basin integrated in a foot basin

Tag the outline of the facility as:


If a more precise tagging is wished, add an area for the foot basin within the facility:


For the arm basin a node on the area of the foot basin can be tagged like:


Kneipp facility with foot and arm basins

Kneipp facility in Pullach, foot basin in the background, arm basin in the foreground Snapshot in JOSM

With the old method the outline of the foot basin is tagged like that:

name=Kneippanlage Pullach

Here we only know; that there is a Kneipp facility with a foot basin. There are no information over other basins.

A mapper can map the facility more precisely like that:

The site of the facility is an area tagged like that:

name=Kneippanlage Pullach

If the position of the different basins is known, the outline of the foot basin can be tagged like that:


And for the arm basin the following node should be enough:


Applies to

node area


A possibility as icon would be a foot (footprint or side outline) together with a water surface.

Features/Pages affected


Please comment on the discussion page.

This proposal derives from a discussion on the forum (only in German).


Voting closed

Voting on this proposal has been closed.

It was approved unanimously with 15 votes for.

No severe issues were mentioned during the voting process. JOSM preset in New Tags updated.

  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Geri-oc (talk) 11:47, 19 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --JIDB (talk) 11:12, 19 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --ChristianSW (talk) 14:08, 19 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. would have preferred the healthcare namespace but am also fine with amenity --Dieterdreist (talk) 14:32, 19 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Surveyor54 (talk) 20:40, 19 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Meillo (talk) 04:59, 20 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. I have a comment about double-tagging the basins as property and as a area but this is a detail which should not stand in the way.--Jojo4u (talk) 08:22, 20 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Waldhans (talk) 12:41, 20 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --zarl (talk) 07:08, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Klumbumbus (talk) 13:18, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Thetornado76 (talk) 13:26, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Atalanttore (talk) 16:10, 30 June 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --tadeus (talk) 07:10, 01 July 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --gerzap (talk) 07:19, 3 July 2016 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --RoGer6 (talk) 18:58, 3 July 2016 (UTC)

According to the Proposal_page box the vote ended on 2016-07-03 --zarl (talk) 10:45, 4 July 2016 (UTC)


Thanks for your votes, thanks for putting the page on "post vote" for me and thanks for the JOSM presets! I have now updated the feature page to include the new tags. --JIDB (talk) 19:33, 13 July 2016 (UTC)