Proposal:Transport modes

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Transport modes and features
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: Vovanium
Tagging: transport=*
Applies to: node/line/area/relation
Definition: Defining transport modes

Rendered as: different
Draft started: 2009-09-10



Tag Applied to Meaning
transport=<transport mode list> node way area relation Tagged object is related to specified transport modes. Use semicolon (;) separated list of modes if it have shared usage.
route_ref:<transport mode>=* List of routes served.
route=<transport mode> relation Transport mode for route

Transport modes

This tag provide unified way to mark type of transport systems (transport modes), especialy for public transport. It is proposed for tagging all types of facilities, routes, land uses.

Keyword Transport mode National equivalents Traditional tagging
Rail transport
rail Common railways railway=*
train Train (common for routing specific trains) railway=*
long distance train Long distance trains, often with berths
  • ru:Поезд дальнего следования
local train Local (commuter) train
  • ru:Электричка
highspeed train High speed long distance train, commonly with only sitting accomodations.
  • fr:TGV
  • ru:"Сапсан"
narrow gauge Narrow gauge railway railway=narrow_gauge
children's railway Railway, mainly narrow gauge equal to or under 1000mm, where teenagers learn railway professions.
subway Mainly underground urban railway Underground/Subway/Metro etc.
  • de:U-Bahn
  • ru:Метро
rapid transit Overground (or just other than subway) urban railway.
  • de:S-Bahn
light rail Light (urban) railway. railway=light_rail
tram Tram railway=tram, railway=tram_stop
highspeed tram Highspeed tram (using dedicated ways) if differ from light railways.
monorail Monorail railway=monorail
suspended monorail Suspended monorail
maglev Magnetic levitation highspeed or monorail
funicular Funicular railway=funicular
Road public transport
bus Bus
  • ru:Автобус
long distance bus Long distance (intercity) bus
  • ru:Междугородний автобус
minibus Light public bus or van
share taxi Sort of minibus
  • ru:Маршрутное такси
trolley Trolleybus
taxi Taxi
Water transport
ferry Passenger ferry
car ferry Ferry, carriying passengers and cars
train ferry Train ferry
riverboat Riverboat
hydrofoil Express hydrofoil boat
hovercraft Hovercraft, typically all the year round type river transport
ocean liner Ship, carrying passengers through large seas and oceans
cruise ship Ship for pleasure voyages
Aerial transport
Use values from aerialway=*.
Air transport
aircraft Aircraft
helicopter Helicopter
airship Airship (dirigible)
gev Ground effect vehicle
  • ru:Экраноплан


Currently there is no common way to tag transport modes, but many ad-hoc methods. Know are:

  • Railway-related tags: railway=rail, railway=tram/railway=tram_stop, railway=monorail, railway=narrow_gauge and so on. This method allow specify type of lines but other facilities such as stations, depots are still not differetiated.
  • Road transport related tags: highway=bus_stop and others, which are very specific for such facilities.
  • Water transport: only ferries covered yet.
  • Routes: route=* is considered to be used only with routes and are not applicable in other cases.

This tag key divide object type and transport mode definitions. Tag structure come more regular, so this makes tag processing, mantaining, extending much easier.

This scheme is almost backward compatible instead of such ones that suggest new series of tags for another transport mode. For further backward compatibility traditional tags, which are replaced by this scheme may be made assuming new tag combinations (e.g. railway=tram assume transport=tram and railway=rail).

Also transport mode names may be used as parts of tag names:

<tag>:<transport mode>=<value>

For example: route_ref:bus=1;2;3 route_ref:tram=10,20,30

Feel free to add more transport modes while in draft mode.