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Public-images-osm logo.svg railway = tram_stop
A tram stop is a place where a passenger can embark or disembark a tram. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png
Group: railways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: approvedPage for proposal

This tag is one way to mark a tram stop. It is used on tram tracks (railway=tram) and also on light rail tracks (railway=light_rail) where the halt resembles more a tram stop than a railway halt (railway=halt).

How to map

Insert a node with railway=tram_stop and name=* on the tram track (railway=tram) at the position where the stop is located.

In contrast to highway=bus_stop this tag is tagged on the track because tram tracks are usually one-way and different directions don't have to be considered.

Optional tags:

Tag Usage Description
railway=tram_stop Mandatory Indicating that it is a tram stop.
name=* Recommended Name of the tram stop.
public_transport=stop_position Optional Indicating that it is a public transport stop.
tram=yes Optional See the Public Transport Schema.
network=* Optional Name of the network if exists.
operator=* Optional Name of the operator if exists.
shelter=* Optional 'yes' if there is a shelter on the stop.

Use with light rail systems

This tag can also be used on light rail tracks (railway=light_rail) where "the halt resembles more a tram stop than a railway halt (railway=halt)."

Country Specific


This tag is often used in Germany for any Stadtbahn (≈ light rail) station (even if it resembles a rail station more than a tram stop) because they are legally defined as tramways.

See also