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Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

latitude: 45.41, longitude: -71.88
Browse map of Sherbrooke 45°24′36.00″ N, 71°52′48.00″ W
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Sherbrooke is a city in Québec, Canada at latitude 45°24′36.00″ North, longitude 71°52′48.00″ West.

Data quality and required improvements

Sherbrooke is the largest city in the Eastern Townships. The city is at the confluence of the Magog and Saint-François rivers and its topography is hilly. The Greater Sherbrooke area is generally accurate based on what can be seen on imagery but requires a lot of improvement on features requiring field work (addresses, speed limits, stops and lights, etc.). This page contains information relating to mapping activities that are specific to the city of Sherbrooke (Québec). It is intended as a guide for data users and for editors trying to see how they can be most useful to improve the data.

Mapping from imagery

Mapping Sherbrooke from available satellite images can be tricky because the topography of the city often causes local distortions. This is why it is always necessary to refer to the gps tracks to properly calibrate the image when necessary. Images covering the Sherbrooke area have been regularly updated over the years, making it easy to keep track of changes and update data.

Importing data

importing data from external sources into the OpenStreetMap database requires to follow the Import Guidelines. Imports should be planned and executed with more care and sensitivity than other edits, because poor imports can have significant impacts on both existing data and local mapping communities. Known data sources for potential imports are described below.

Canvec data

Some Canvec data were imported to populate the map circa 2009. Since then just about everything has been updated and changed. No new import is required since the Canvec data is now out of date (geometry and content).

City of Sherbrooke Open Data

Although the city provides many open data sets, the license used is currently not compatible with the OpenStreetMap license. Therefore, users must not import data from the Sherbrooke Data Portal unless the data-specific license is compatible. For detailed information see the OSMF licensing working group memo about license compatibility.

Entreprendre Sherbrooke

Entreprendre Sherbrooke provides basic information on businesses and institutions in the city. Their license is compatible with the one from OpenStreetMap. Steps are underway with this group to eventually import and maintain this information in OSM. Import Guidelines will be followed as the project progresses. Import project is documented here.