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Public-images-osm logo.svg sidewalk:both
Indicates the presence or absence of a sidewalk (pavement/footway) along the road. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: highways
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

The sidewalk:both=* key is similar to sidewalk=*, but always express values for both sidewalks (or their absence) of a street.

sidewalk:both: is also a prefix for a set of tags that describe attributes of both sidewalks of a street. See the additional tags section of sidewalk=* for examples of tags such as sidewalk:both:surface=*.

It has seen considerable usage as sidewalk:both=separate.


Value Description
no There is no sidewalk on either side of the road.
yes There are sidewalks on both sides of the road, and these are not mapped as separate ways.
separate There are sidewalks on both sides of the road, and both are mapped using separate ways.


This key's most common value sidewalk:both=separate may express its intent more clearly — i.e., making explicit that a separate highway=footway is mapped on both sides of the street, whereas sidewalk=separate may be seen as covering both this as well as the case where a separate sidewalk is mapped on only one side without specifying which side.

Concerns for data consumers

sidewalk:both=* overrides any value set by sidewalk=*, but is in turn overridden by the more specific sidewalk:left=* and sidewalk:right=*; although mixing these is discouraged.