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Public-images-osm logo.svg health_facility:type = office
A generic medical office
Group: health
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
Useful combination
Status: proposed

This tag describes, that a medical facility is a generic medical office. An office consists of only a few working/examination rooms (1-2 are common) per health person. There is no common management staff for this facility with has usually no more then one building, so every health person acts for it's own. There is only outpatient treatment.

This can be an office e.g. of an physician, therapist, midwife, psychologist or healer. You can specify the type of people working in this office with office=* e.g. office=physician which then stands for the whole office or create a type=health-relation with health_person:type=* on the office node, area or relation (e.g. for health_facility:type=health_centre) for every person working there instead. See health_person:type=* for a list of common values which can also be used with office=*.

For health_facility:type=office there are two kind of tagging possibilities for health care related persons, for all other health facilities you have to use health_person:type=*:

  1. Simple tagging: Use office=* on the health care related object as a replacement for any relation with health_person:type=*. This has the disadvantage that you have to decide for one of the health persons from the list below (or you own value, if nothing fits).
  2. Advanced tagging: Add a type=health-relation with health_person:type=* to the health care related facility or service and omit the office=* tag. The specialties of the parent object are the union of all specialty, counselling and service tags of the type=health-relations on the object, where the specialty, counselling and service tags of the parent object overwrite these of the child relations or are added otherwise.

For the advanced tagging it is recommanded to tag at least the persons, whose specialties have the main influence of the kind of services provided by the health care related object.

If you wonder why Healthcare 2.0 use office=* as a subtag to describe the medical office: as office=* describes any kind of office, why should I reinvent the wheel? There is no context or implicit hirarchy bound to any tags, they only have a meaning/usage and maybe a format for the value.

Usage of the type=health-relation

To represent complex medical object relationships type=health-are used. This is useful to represent e.g. complex hospitals such as the university hospital "Charité" in Berlin/Germany, which consists several, former independent, hospitals spread over whole Berlin. An other example is e.g the university hospital in Greifswald/Germany, where the hospital buildings also spread over the whole city and are not in an single area.

There is no change of the tag meaning if they are used inside a type=health-relation. Health relations should only be used if they are needed, if possible, the node/area should be tagged.

You can use any valid subset of tags from Healthcare 2.0 in a health-relation, but it should always be non-ambiguous clear, to which type of health object the tags in the relation apply and in what medical system the object is located. Tags in sub relations always apply to their parent object, if no new health object type (health_facility:type=*, health_service:*=yes/no health_person:type=* or health_amenity:type=*) is tagged inside the sub relation.

See Also