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Public-images-osm logo.svg waterway = security_lock
Eidersperrwerk ty20060715r0012451.jpg
Flood barrier. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: waterways
Used on these elements
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See also
Status: in use

A  flood barrier, surge barrier or storm surge barrier is a specific type of floodgate, designed to prevent a storm surge or spring tide from flooding the protected area behind the barrier.

It can also be an automatically controlled safety gate. This is a structure for safely closing a shipping canal in the area of a dam section or a canal bridge, i.e. sections where the water level is above the surrounding terrain.

This feature is not intended for mapping lock inspection locks that are closed manually (with a crane) during maintenance/repair of a lock.

How to map

Tags used in combination

Seamark tags
+ seamark:gate:category=flood_barrage

Possible synonyms

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See also