Talk:Key:self service

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The associated features section could use more explanation. Like, instead of a general definition of a hotel (which is redundant because you can read it by following the link) I would like to see an explanation how does a *self-service* hotel look like. Do you still pay, but not receive the lodging and need to seek it on your own or what?.. What is a self-service restaurant, a place where you cook your own food? Bring the ingredients? Wash your own dishes? In case of outdoor_seating, I can't grasp how could that be *not* self-service - would that mean the staff somehow helps you do the sitting, eating and drinking part? --Shrddr (talk) 10:17, 10 June 2022 (UTC)

Fully agree. —Marsupium (talk) 14:39, 11 June 2024 (UTC)
I agree that a more detailed and discriminating explanation is needed.
However, typically when we talk about 'self-service' we are referring to the customer-facing end of the service, where the customer helps themselves.
For example, bringing your own ingredients and preparing things yourself and reaping the benefits is called 'unmanned service', not 'self-service'.
Of course, there's no clear-cut distinction, and it's "usually" a matter of usage.(And depending on your culture, you might even use them interchangeably.)
For example, if you had a store where no one was serving you and you had to do everything yourself, you would call it an "unmanned store", not a "self-service store".
Of course, I don't think that necessarily means that OSM has to distinguish between them.
Maybe we could distinguish between fully unattended and partially self-service, and even in self-service, we could identify which processes are self-service. --깨몽/dreamy (talk) 12:11, 19 June 2024 (UTC)