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Divisioni amministrative e admin_level

Questa pagina dice che le circoscrizioni hanno admin_lev=9, mentre Tag:boundary=administrative le considera come admin_level=10. Attualmente in OpenStreetMap sono mappate come admin_level=10. Chi ha ragione?--LoreMazza91 (talk) 02:34, 21 October 2019 (UTC)

Aggiungere place=borough alle circoscrizioni di Roma

tag:place=borough consiglia di usare "place=borough" per quelle parti delle grandi città che rappresentano unità amministrative. Non andrebbe usato per le circoscrizioni di Roma?--LoreMazza91 (talk) 02:50, 21 October 2019 (UTC)

Per me è un suggerimento proprio sbagliato di usare place per entità puramente amministrative. Abbiamo boundary=administrative con admin_level per questo. --Dieterdreist (talk) 08:17, 21 October 2019 (UTC)
In ogni caso “borough” non ha nessun significato implicito per il contesto italiano e eviterei. —Dieterdreist (talk) 08:42, 23 June 2022 (UTC)

tagging rioni/suburbi/quartieri/zone di roma

Vorrei introdurre un modo di identificare i "Quartieri" tramite i tag. Vi propongo uno schema di tag di tutti i 116 rioni/suburbi/quartieri/zone toponomastici di roma (no urbanistici/amministrativi), che sia più "standard" possibile.

Elenco dei 116 comprensori toponomastici:

comune a tutti i 116 elementi:

  • type = boundary
  • boundary = place
  • place = district
  • alt_place:it = comprensorio toponomastico
  • alt_place = toponymic district
  • note:it = non è un confine amministrativo

a seconda del tipo:

  • official_place:it = suburbio / rione / quartiere / zona
  • official_place = suburb / rione / quarter / zone

Potrebbe essere utile valutare anche la chave "alt_official_place", "official_alt_place". Ho escluso l'uso della chiave "border_type", perché attualmente viene usata quasi solo per i confini veri amministrativi.

Informazioni estratte da taginfo

  • border_type -> 138504 occorrenze (city, conty, town, ...)
  • place -> 7708806 occorrenze (hamlet, locality, village, ...)
  • official_place -> 0 occorrenze
  • alt_place -> 0 occorrenze
  • border_type:it -> 0 occorrenze
  • place:it -> 0 occorrenze
  • official_place:it -> 0 occorrenze
  • alt_place:it -> 0 occorrenze

Può funzionare? Claudio tam (talk) 08:14, 23 June 2022 (UTC)

be careful not to use tags that nobody uses + with no wiki page. You have a lot of tags in osm, try to use only those that are defined in a wiki page. If no wiki = it is a suspiscious tag. Fred73000 (talk) 18:26, 28 June 2022 (UTC)
As I already wrote here:
I don't think this relation ( has much sense. Relations are not categories:
Otherwise we could create relations such as "City boundaries of Lazio" ecc.ecc.
If someone needs this data they can just do a query for boundaries inside the admin_level=8 Rome boundary. --Ivanbranco (talk) 18:55, 28 June 2022 (UTC)

I agree that we should have a look how to use mostly established tags. One tag that comes to mind for things like “rione” or “quartiere” is the tag admin_title The place=quarter tag and suburb and neighbourhood could be main tags. Dieterdreist (talk) 19:42, 28 June 2022 (UTC)

Fred73000: could you make a proposal of tagging? In which keys should the three values "comprensorio toponomastico", "district", "suburbio/rione/quartiere/zona" be stored?

Ivanbranco: I think you are right, that is a category and should not exist; after adequate tagging, I suggest to delete it. Can you suggest a query for selecting all "comprensorio toponomastico" and all "rione" inside Rome?

Ivanbranco: there are a lot of non-adm types of place in Rome. "comprensori toponomastici" is a very specific and well defined non-adm type, and should searchable and tagged differently from other non-adm types such as "Zone O", "PDZ", "Aree urbane", and others.

Dieterdreist: these two keys, "border_type" and "admin_title", are very interesting. But it seems that their use is allowed only for adm borders and probably they would conflict with boundary=place. If there is no conflict, I support both these two keys. Claudio tam (talk) 09:30, 29 June 2022 (UTC)

@Claudio tam : I answered here