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Paddock vs. pasture

@Hufkratzer Ich hab mich gerade noch mal schlauer gemacht: Auf Wikipedia steht für Paddock (...) ist ein auch in deutschsprachigen Ländern gebräuchlicher Fachbegriff der Pferdehaltung. Er bezeichnet den ausnahmslos graslosen, eingezäunten, zumeist befestigten Auslauf für Pferde.

So hätte ich jetzt meadow=pasture für eine Pferdekoppel, die grün bewachsen ist, bevorzugt. Kannst du den Unterschied noch genauer beschreiben? Vielleicht ist Paddock eine graslose Koppel?

—Preceding unsigned comment added by Geozeisig (talkcontribs) 13:15, 28 March 2023‎

What you quoted that a paddock is always grassless comes from the German page Paddock on Wikipedia, and, AFAIK, this is the usual usage of the word in Germany. It seems that in other regions paddocks can also be larger and grassy. The English page Paddock on Wikipedia says: Larger paddocks may have grass maintained in them, but many are dirt or a similar natural surface. And there is also Field (agriculture)#Paddock on Wikipedia about grassy paddocks. There was a short discussion on the tagging mailing list in 2019 where someone wrote that in "Sloppy British English and non-British English" grassy paddocks are possible. I think explains the difference between paddock and pasture quite well.
But even though paddocks tend to be smaller and pastures larger, and the word "paddock" is used differently in different regions, that doesn't mean we necessarily have to use different tags to map grassy paddocks and pastures. I don't know why meadow=paddock was intoduced in 2020 when we already had meadow=pasture used for areas with grazing animals. (See also end of section Talk:Tag:landuse=meadow#Pasture.) Maybe @Jeisenbe: or someone else can explain this. --Hufkratzer (talk) 00:06, 29 March 2023 (UTC), edited/corrected 14:54, 29 March 2023 (UTC)
See also Pen (enclosure) on Wikipedia: In Australian and New Zealand English, a paddock may encompass a large, fenced grazing area of many acres, not to be confused with the American English use of paddock as interchangeable with corral or pen, describing smaller, confined areas. [...] A large pen for horses is called a paddock (Eastern US) or a corral (Western US).[citation needed] --Hufkratzer (talk) 10:49, 31 March 2023 (UTC)

According to the wiki page Riding, landuse=meadow + meadow=pasture should be used for pastures (grassy paddocks) and landuse=animal_keeping + animal_keeping=horse + animal_keeping:type=paddock for paddocks (without grass). Thus, meadow=paddock is redundand and should be deprecated in my opinion. --Dafadllyn (talk) 16:38, 3 February 2024 (UTC)