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Rocks or coral exposed at low tide?

The examples show and the description at wikipedia suggest that shoals are usually made of sand, gravel or other unconsolidated material (pebbles, cobbles etc).

Can this tag be used for areas of coral or solid rock, if exposed at low tide, or should such areas be mapped as natural=reef?

Cambridge allows rock shoals but says they are under water: - "a raised area of sand or rocks under the surface of the water"

But Oxford mentions sand and mentions visibility at low tide: "1 An area of shallow water. 1.1 A submerged sandbank visible at low water." - --Jeisenbe (talk) 12:30, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

Sand or gravel shoals which remain covered at low tide?

Can the tag be used for shoals which are covered by shallow water even at low tide?

The current description implies that natural=reef might be used in this situation instead, but my understanding is that a sand or gravel bar is not normally called a reef.

The Cambridge Dictionaries definition above says a shoal is "... under the surface of the water", although the second definition by Oxford says its "A submerged sandbank visible at low water".

Since this is an In Use or De Facto tag, not approved, I would like to know how the tag is actually being used --Jeisenbe (talk) 12:30, 3 June 2019 (UTC)

Anyone? --Jeisenbe (talk) 13:21, 10 August 2019 (UTC)
The use of the terms shoal and reef for these tags is somewhat unfortunate because the mental image people have of these differs from the meaning in OSM - similar to landuse=forest natural=reef is definitely widely used for permanently submerged areas of loose material. --Imagico (talk) 16:33, 10 August 2019 (UTC)

Is this tag good for fossilized overground reefs?

I would like to tag a fossilized coral reef that lies about 150 metres over the sea level near my city. Is this tag good for that or should I use a different one? --Schumi4ever (talk) 13:48, 25 September 2021 (UTC)

Is this tag still be rendered?

I noticed that this tag are current not rendered.

For example,

--快乐的老鼠宝宝 (talk) 13:23, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

It is rendered, but will be covered by water. Since this is located underwater, I didn't keep the coastline tag, so it became like this. Here is the related issue. ——Lepus (talk) 16:54, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

The answer is yes but under condition. The rendering works :

  • if you are in area with water + if you have surface=sand, see here,
  • or surface=gravel, see here.
  • if you have no water + surface=sand, it is rendering in another way, example here.
  • if you have no water + no tag surface, it is rendering like that.
  • But if you have water (for example outside the coastline) + the tag surface is missing or surface=rocks (which is a mistake because shoal is for unconsolidated material), you have only the rendering of water, example here.

I have improved the wiki page (section example rendering). Best regards -- Fred73000 (talk) 15:56, 29 January 2022 (UTC)