Talk:Test the accuracy of GPS devices

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User:Maro21, If you would like to make "breaking changes" to well established tagging practice, you should first discuss it with the community via the Tagging mailing list and in the Tagging category within the forum. -Bkil (talk) 23:11, 27 March 2024 (UTC)

I'm not making any breaking changes, just improving the documentation. The lat=* and lon=* tags are deprecated and should not be used, and type=* is used only on relations. The article (or more precisely, the parts I corrected) is from 13 years ago, and back then the type=* tag was still used not only on relations. What do you mean by "well established tagging practice"? The tag survey=ground control point is used only 60 times. And no article mentions the use of tags lat=* and lon=*. This article wasn't discussed either. This article is not about tagging, but about testing the accuracy of GPS devices. The section "Survey Points in OSM" contains an example of tagging of a man_made=survey_point (again from 13 years ago) and the documentation of man_made=survey_point tag is at Tag:man_made=survey_point. Please check more carefully before you undo something. maro21 23:39, 27 March 2024 (UTC)
I recommend you review *lat* and *lon* on overpass and whether they could be unified to a scheme you prefer. It would be preferred to see who created them and using which editor. If it is introduced by an addon or app that is still live, this means they are still going to be introduced later on, but undocumented from now on. Also, even after you make this change following discussions with others, the change should not be simply redacting text from such an established article. It should be moved to a new section under a deprecation heading to mention that in the past, X and Y tags were also placed on such objects but after Z moment, we have collectively decided that this will be stopped due to proposal http://W. Bkil (talk) 23:45, 27 March 2024 (UTC)
I'm also at a surprise who and why would deprecate *lat* and *lon* - especially without a replacement suggestion. I think those tags are clear to everyone. Just to broaden your knowledge, *x* and *y* may be thought clever by you. However, you shouldn't come up with something that is already in use by geodesic and real mapper people. For example, the Hungarian Datum (EOV) uses coordinates X and Y - clearly not in WGS-84 projection/units. To complicate matters even further, because they are cartographers, they use X for latitude ("vertical") and Y for longitude ("horizontal"). Straightforward, isn't is? ITineris (talk) 05:59, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

By the way, the "any tag you like" principle allows an experienced contributor to choose their own scheme for tagging if a solution does not already exist (subject to sanity checks). This is because something new, if properly chosen, will not clash with anything else, hence should do no harm. However, changing or removing all or parts of such a scheme well after getting established worldwide means that a clash between the old scheme and the altered scheme occurs (both due to possible tooling and editor habits), and handling clashes must definitely be discussed and broadcast before committing change (at a minimum, to inform those using the scheme to stop or update their local presets). -Bkil (talk) 23:51, 27 March 2024 (UTC)

The "any tag you like" principle applies to the OSM database, not the Wiki. And this article is about GPS devices, not about tagging man_made=survey_point. The documentation of man_made=survey_point tag is at Tag:man_made=survey_point. maro21 00:05, 28 March 2024 (UTC)