V・T・E![]() |
latitude: 32.221667, longitude: -110.926389 |
Browse map of Tucson 32°13′18.00″ N, 110°55′35.00″ W |
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Tucson is a City in Arizona at latitude 32°13′18.00″ North, longitude 110°55′35.00″ West.
Tucson is the second largest city in Arizona and the thirty second most populous city in the United States with 540,000 people ([1])
It would be great to recruit some new people to help with the Tucson map. At first glance it looks like a good map so far, but actually there is a lot to do. The majority of the roads are from US TIGER data and vary in quality from average to poor.
This page outlines some of the tasks. If you feel like helping then jump right in. It would be great to have Tucson become the best mapped population center in the State!
Note that you don't need a GPS unit to help with the map. A lot of work can be done by using the high resolution Yahoo satellite images.
Overall Progress and Milestones

May 2009
- University of Arizona major campus buildings and boundaries completed.
July 2009
- Major washes completed (Rillito River, Pantano Wash, Tanque Verde Wash, Agua Caliente Wash, Santa Cruz River (regional)).
Follow map edits in the Tucson area using Twitter.
Some projects are listed below. They are not in order of priority. Green = completed.
Project | % Done | Notes |
Major washes | 100% | |
Secondary washes | 80% | This is a guess. Hard to see from the satellite images, so might need groundwork. |
Neigborhood washes | 1% | Hard to see on satellite images. |
Cycle paths and routes | 0% | Perhaps we can get some data from the city or county? |
Schools | 10% | See here for an example |
Parks | 20% | See here for an example. Features to add include: grass, lakes, roads, parking areas, buildings, sports centers, etc. |
Reid Park | 80% | This is a separate item because it is the city's major park. Still to do are: footpaths, ramadas with numbers, exact locations of disabled parking spaces. |
TIGER fixing | 15% | See TIGER Fixup for some of the issues. The primary problem is roads in the wrong places. One method is to work on one section (a single square mile region) at a time. Roughly 10-15 square miles have already been completed.
To see the areas that need working on look at the red lines on this map. |
Major buildings | 10% | Hospitals, "big box" stores, office buildings, grocery stores, hotels, convenience stores, malls, strip malls |
Name streets | 1% | Some streets are missing names. The streets need to be added by visiting them. The roads marked in red on this map do not have names. |
Tucson Mountain Park | 50% | Needs trails adding. |
Saguaro National Park West | 95% | Trails from NPS added, but some are duplicates of TIGER trails. The TIGER trails are probably suspect but need to be double-checked before being removed. They are the ones shown with red dashes by Mapnik. |
Administrative boundaries | 15% | Imported with the TIGER data, so they appear to be either crude or in the wrong places. |
Incorrect Places | 0% | The TIGER import added places they either don't exist or used to. For example "Thunderhead Airport". These need to be checked and then removed if they really are not there. |
Universities/colleges | 55% |
Downtown | 95% | Some buildings are missing names |
Golf Courses | 5% | Need adding/more detail |
Neighborhood Associations | 10% | Add the neighborhood associations as shown on this map. Note: probably can't copy from that map. |
Some additional project ideas can be found on the Mappa Mercia page.
City of Tucson and Pima County Data
First a bit of background. Tucson, Pima County and cities in the area, such as Green Valley and Marana, cooperate on GIS services and data. The database is managed and maintained by Pima County with the other agencies feeding data into the system, getting data out of the system, and paying for a share of the costs.
Access to all the data is by a Pima County FTP system, and to get access a person must sign documents saying that the data won't be used for commercial usage, etc. Under the County definitions, OSM is commercial usage. Commercial usage is possible for a fee and prior approval. The County sells data to companies like Mapquest, etc.
Ann Strine, the Director of Information Technology and the CIO for the City of Tucson emailed AndyAyre on 21st August 2009 with the following, as a result of some lengthy discussions:
The City provides GIS data to the public, as we do lots of other information. What we are not required to do is provide it in just any format that someone wants. That was the situation in a case I referred to - the data was available on the web, but this company wanted it in a specific format so they could incorporate into their product, which would then be for sale. That reworking we didn't have to do.
If you, or anyone else, enters data into O(pen Street Map that's fine, and if someone uses it for commercial purposes, there's not much the City can do. The point is that the City hasn't used resources to specially support one particular business.
The information on the County web site includes the City data within the county data.
Hope this helps. Have a good time with Open Street Map.
Ann Strine
Director, Information Technology/CIO
City of Tucson
So it appears we have permission to use data from the City. The problem is that it is merged into the County GIS database and access is via County rules.
After discussions with the County it appears possible for us to obtain some data specific to the City of Tucson only, if it it clearly relating only to the City and is provided via the City and not via the County FTP system.
Discussions are ongoing to see what data can be obtained and how. --AndyAyre 17:37, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
Upcoming Events
None scheduled.
What are mapping parties?
Mapping parties are events where anyone can come and participate in the OpenStreetMap project. OpenStreetMap is a free, open source map that can be contributed, edited and used by anyone anywhere. Mapping parties are social events where experienced and new mappers can meet to share and learn more about the project. The events are generally held in a public place, and allow time for discussion, mapping and editing. The event is open to all.
It's fun. It's free. You can help. JOIN THE FREE MAP REVOLUTION!
More about Mapping parties
See Also
- BBBike @ Tucson - a cycle route planner for Tucson