User:Danysan/Wiki QA

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Useful tools for wikidata=* / wikipedia=* quality assurance


Useful Sophox SPARQL queries

Model inside the wrong key

Query to find historic=* elements where the model of an aircarft/vehicle/... is erroneously linked with wikidata=* instead of model:wikidata=* or with wikipedia=* instead of model:wikipedia=* (problem described in Proposed features/Manufacturer and Model#Current_situation).

  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?classLabel; SEPARATOR=", ") AS ?classLabels)
  (?type AS ?layer)
  hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" . # Prevent optimizer from querying for everything tagged with wikidata=* before querying the service.
  # Filter for historic=*
  VALUES ?type { "tank" "vehicle" "aircraft" "ship" "locomotive" "railway_car" "cannon" }
  ?osm osmt:historic ?type;
      osmm:loc ?coordinates.

    ?osm osmt:wikidata ?model.
  } UNION {
    ?osm osmt:wikipedia ?wikipedia.
    SERVICE <> {
      ?wikipedia schema:about ?model.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?model wdt:P279 ?class. # Filter for subclasses ( => representing a class, not a single object)
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?model rdfs:label ?modelLabel. # Get model name
      ?class rdfs:label ?classLabel. # Get class name
GROUP BY ?osm ?type ?model ?modelLabel ?wikipedia ?coordinates

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Bad values for wikidata=*:

  VALUES ?type { "tank" "vehicle" "aircraft" "ship" "locomotive" "railway_car" "cannon" }
  ?osm osmt:historic ?type;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates;
       osmt:wikidata ?model.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?model wdt:P279 ?class. # Filter for subclasses ( => representing a class, not a single object)
ORDER BY ?model

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Bad values for wikipedia=*:

  VALUES ?type { "tank" "vehicle" "aircraft" "ship" "locomotive" "railway_car" "cannon" }
  ?osm osmt:historic ?type;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates;
       osmt:wikipedia ?wikipedia.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?wikipedia schema:about ?model.
    ?model wdt:P279 ?class. # Filter for subclasses ( => representing a class, not a single object)
ORDER BY ?wikipedia

Run it (edit query)

Brand inside the wrong key

Restaurants and fast foods

Query to find restaurants and fast foods where the brand is erroneously linked with wikidata=* instead of brand:wikidata=* or with wikipedia=* instead of brand:wikipedia=* (inspired by Sophox#Current_Challenges).

SELECT DISTINCT ?osm ?chain ?chainLabel ?wikipedia ?loc (?type AS ?layer)
  SERVICE <> {
    VALUES ?chainClass { wd:Q18509232 wd:Q18534542 wd:Q76220181 } # Fast food chain / Restaurant chain / Ice cream chain
    ?chain wdt:P31 ?chainClass.

    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?chain rdfs:label ?chainLabel.

  VALUES ?type { "bar" "cafe" "restaurant" "fast_food" "food_court" "ice_cream" }
  ?osm osmt:amenity ?type;
       osmm:loc ?loc .

    ?osm osmt:wikidata ?chain.
  } UNION {
    ?osm osmt:wikipedia ?wikipedia.
    SERVICE <> {
      ?wikipedia schema:about ?chain.

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Banks and ATMs

Query to find banks and ATMs where the brand is erroneously linked with wikidata=* instead of brand:wikidata=* or with wikipedia=* instead of brand:wikipedia=*. If the wikidata object for the bank has the position set (with P625) the query correctly prevents the headquarters of the bank from showing in the result.

SELECT DISTINCT ?osm ?bank ?bankLabel ?wikipedia ?coordinates (?type AS ?layer)
  VALUES ?type { "bank" "atm" }
  ?osm osmt:amenity ?type;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates.

    ?osm osmt:wikidata ?bank.
  } UNION {
    ?osm osmt:wikipedia ?wikipedia.
    SERVICE <> {
      ?wikipedia schema:about ?bank.

  SERVICE <> {
    VALUES ?bankClass { wd:Q650241 wd:Q22687 } # banks / Financial institutions
    ?bank wdt:P31 ?bankClass.
        ?bank wdt:P625 ?bankHeadquarters.
      } UNION {
        ?bank p:P159/pq:P625 ?bankHeadquarters.
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?bank rdfs:label ?bankLabel.
  BIND(geof:distance(COALESCE(?bankHeadquarters,"Point(0 0)"^^geo:wktLiteral), ?coordinates) AS ?distance).
  FILTER(?distance > 1). # Exclude the headquarters from the result

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Subject inside the wrong key

Query to find historic elements where the subject is a person erroneously linked with wikidata=* instead of subject:wikidata=* or with wikipedia=* instead of subject:wikipedia=*.

SELECT DISTINCT ?osm ?person ?personLabel ?wikipedia ?coordinates (?type AS ?layer)
  VALUES ?type { "memorial" "monument" }
  ?osm osmt:historic ?type;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates.

    ?osm osmt:wikidata ?person.
  } UNION {
    ?osm osmt:wikipedia ?wikipedia.
    SERVICE <> {
      ?wikipedia schema:about ?person.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?person rdfs:label ?personLabel.

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Etymology inside the wrong key

Primary highways

Query to find primary highways where the etymology of the name is a person erroneously linked with wikidata=* instead of name:etymology:wikidata=*.

SELECT DISTINCT ?osm ?osmLabel ?person ?personLabel ?wikipedia ?coordinates (?type AS ?layer)
  ?osm osmt:highway "primary";
       osmt:wikidata ?person;
       osmt:name ?osmLabel;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?person rdfs:label ?personLabel.

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All highways - Wikidata

Query to find all highways where the etymology of the name is a person erroneously linked with wikidata=* instead of name:etymology:wikidata=*.

SELECT DISTINCT ?osm ?osmLabel ?person ?personLabel ?coordinates
  ?osm osmt:highway [];
       osmt:wikidata ?person;
       osmt:name ?osmLabel;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?person rdfs:label ?personLabel.

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All highways - Wikipedia

Query to find all highways where the etymology of the name is a person erroneously linked with wikipedia=* instead of name:etymology:wikipedia=*.

SELECT DISTINCT ?osm ?osmLabel ?person ?personLabel ?wikipedia ?coordinates
  ?osm osmt:highway [];
       osmt:wikipedia ?wikipedia;
       osmt:name ?osmLabel;
       osmm:loc ?coordinates.

  SERVICE <> {
    ?wikipedia schema:about ?person.
    ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
    SERVICE wikibase:label {
      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
      ?person rdfs:label ?personLabel.

Run it (edit query)