User:FredrikLindseth/SSR2 places

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JOSM icon English name Norwegian name Example Rendered from zoom level
JOSM Square.svg place=square The place=square indicates a town or village square, which is an open public space common in urban centres Plass "Tårnplassen"
JOSM Isolated dwelling.svg place=isolated_dwelling The smallest kind of settlement (1-2 households). Frittliggende bolig. 15
JOSM Farm.svg place=farm landuse=farmyard with landuse=farmland or landuse=meadow Gård / Bondegård 15
JOSM Hamlet.svg place=hamlet A smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and few infrastructure. Bygd, grend, tettbebyggelse 15
JOSM Neighbourhood.svg place=neighbourhood A neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village Nabolag 15
JOSM Village.svg place=village A smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. Tettsted
JOSM Quarter.svg place=quarter A quarter is a named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town which is bigger than a neighbourhood
JOSM Suburb.svg place=suburb place=suburb is used to identify a major area in a place=town or place=city with a distinct and recognised local name and identity. Bydel "Bergenhus"
place=borough A part in larger city grouped into administrative unit. Strøk? "Strandsiden"?
JOSM Town.svg place=town " steder med bystatus før 1996. steder med bystatus etter 1996 må ha videregående skole og/eller være handelssentrum" By
JOSM City.svg place=city " over 100.000 innbyggere" Storby "Bergen"
JOSM Island.svg place=island
JOSM Islet.svg place=islet An  islet is a very small island with an area less than about 1 km²
JOSM Locality.svg place=locality Stedsnavn 15
N/A historic=shieling Støl / Seteruten drift Leirnesstølen N/A
N/A place=shieling Støl / Seter i drift Systølen N/A
  • See No:Map Features#Places.2FSteder for Norwegian definitions
  • Use the N50 imagery layer as background. Bigger font means more weight -> a more noteable place.