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Public-images-osm logo.svg
I support OSM by being a
member of the
OpenStreetMap Foundation
Are you?

Bike GOwin
is a bicyclist.
JOSM GOwin submits data to OpenStreetMap using JOSM.
Level0 GOwin submits data to OpenStreetMap using Level0.
OsmAnd icon GOwin uses OsmAnd, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
Vespucci logo GOwin submits data to OpenStreetMap using Vespucci.
Mapillary GOwin takes photos for Mapillary as GOwin.
Overpass-turbo.svg GOwin uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
Mastodon user GOwin toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon Logotype (Simple)

My edits

According to HDYC, here's how I've contributed to OpenStreetMap.

Adding wiki content to


I actively participate in local and regional communities in Asia.